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  1. moD

    @ICEKILLER_99 i rather kms than play that shit game. it's just annoying to be labeled because of...

    @ICEKILLER_99 i rather kms than play that shit game. it's just annoying to be labeled because of something you're obviously not doing.
  2. moD

    Senior administration is fucking up this whole community, so consider this a goodbye post i...

    Senior administration is fucking up this whole community, so consider this a goodbye post i guess. i'll lurk around the forums but im outtie.
  3. moD

    finally unforum banned whew. i never cheated. idk why i was banned but i have a couple reasons...

    finally unforum banned whew. i never cheated. idk why i was banned but i have a couple reasons to suspect why. i've never injected my game with any cheats whatsoever and i had just finished reinstalling the game prior to my last return to the server (which is the time administration said i had...
  4. moD

    PD Corruption?

    he sent penis pictures and you didn't. it's just how it goes dude. next time attach nudes to your app it might get accepted faster.
  5. moD


    sweet dreams
  6. moD

    Update Log - 20/02/2020 (Org Update)

    dude why are you still active on the forums talking about updates lmao. you won't be on anytime soon to play anyways so idk why you're wasting your time.
  7. moD

    Prewhitelist Trial

    what this update sounds like:
  8. moD

    GREAT Staff team! GREAT community!

    i think ur appeal should get accepted yeah. 3 years banned w/ no chance of re-appeal.
  9. moD

    Hayden Carter's third ban appeal

    You haven't even been banned for a year lmao. Take a bit of time away from the gamemode please it's way too soon.
  10. moD

    Update Log - 07/02/2020

    may is a mighty month!!!
  11. moD

    Dear Senior Administration, Suck my veiny, lengthy, and girthy cock. I could less of a fuck...

    Dear Senior Administration, Suck my veiny, lengthy, and girthy cock. I could less of a fuck concerning your sever and am in the process of selling all of my perp cash for irl assests. Consider kys as the server you worked long and hard for currently sucks more dick than most darkrp servers out...
  12. moD

    Tyla - One of the finest roleplayers

    exquisite roleplay
  13. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    seeing a line of pixels is justifiable, like i've said 20 times. it's been done. please stop replying to this retarded AR and spamming the forums
  14. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan i don't need to do fuck all for you, you tiny little player :)
  15. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan for you? no chance
  16. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan i was clearly able to do so. maybe next time you should close up any cracks to avoid having this situation? @Slayerduck has also done this to me plenty of times and it’s been ok’d by administration so i don’t see the problem really. if you don’t want me to see any drugs just don’t make me...
  17. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    if you use a pair of binoculars it'd be quite easy to identify the drugs through the crack as it zooms in on the crack itself
  18. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    i've been raided for far less pixels. i used a bino and saw ur drug leaves quite clearly through that gap. using binos, it's quite evident to distinguish weed leaves from regular plant leaves. i rest my case.
  19. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan yeah because you we're fucking dogshit in that montage and in the demo only one you're preaiming people through walls. go talk to yourself some more or someshit weirdo.
  20. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan it ain't slander, but go ahead and upload the rest of the shadowplay since ur so confident you didn't cheat
  21. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan i used binoculars
  22. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan yup and through that i concluded that you we're growing drugs and needed to search the property. stop being upset that i'm calling you out for cheating, get over it roleplayer. next time block up your drugs more carefully to avoid being raided.
  23. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    @Dan check the video that i posted since ur quite dense.
  24. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    sadly they do. if you don't want us to see anything you should've blocked it up better. :/ nt tho
  25. moD

    AR on Jerry Cornelli - Metagame

    would it be possible for you to upload the rest of the shadowplay since you clearly have it. it'd be nice to see how the situation transpired.
  26. moD

    jay latch

    jay latch
  27. moD

    happy birth here’s 5mil perp cash as a present

    happy birth here’s 5mil perp cash as a present
  28. moD

    I've made too many of these.

  29. moD

    AR on _moD

    i made a 911 call and idk, it bugged out and u insta died. don't blame me for poor coding.
  30. moD

    AR on _moD

    i actually pressed w by accident. i called 911 to get u revived. i get ur upset because u got warned for propkilling but get over it. btw who u talkin to in ur video? idk if ur metagaming but u should be careful when posting evidence like this