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  1. TimThriller

    Beef thread

    i hope it was worth to trash talk jews in ooc
  2. TimThriller

    Beef thread @Tinky @John Daymon
  3. TimThriller

    Shit Montage Part 6

    3:13 i was like wait how did i die
  4. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: Emily Miller Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:42661901 What do you need refunded: fully loaded sako with compensator Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was killed by illegal base Evidence:
  5. TimThriller

    3.4 brad

    Your Steam/In-game Name: TimThriller/Emily Miller His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Brad Wolfe His/Her SteamID: ?? Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  6. TimThriller

    Clean out.

    you ony got kills 1v1.... thats not hard
  7. TimThriller


    Your Steam/In-game Name:TimThriller/Emilyo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: |NeX| Meta / Blake Nex His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60275353 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  8. TimThriller

    Recruit me for the professional perpheads fortnite team

    yeah but a game takes like 30 min and you have to loot for like 15 min and maybe just maybe you got 1 m4 with 60 ammo
  9. TimThriller

    Recruit me for the professional perpheads fortnite team

    fortnite is better.pubgs map is way 2 big
  10. TimThriller

    Happy b day

    Happy b day
  11. TimThriller

    Changes to administration - 29/04/2018

    org wars in 2k18 lul good luck with that 90% of the server is teaming up
  12. TimThriller

    My introduction.

    @Dapsas are you going to raid him? <3
  13. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: Emily Miller Steam ID: What do you need refunded: fully loaded m4a1-m16stock + compensator Why do you want your item(s) refunded: some tfu confiscated my gun because i missfired 1 bullet in slums 3 Evidence @TinySlayer
  14. TimThriller

    The Blue's Organisation.

    IC Information Name: James Miller Firearms level:1 Rifle Marksmanship:1 Cars currently owned:mini copper Why would you like to join? trust me im a god
  15. TimThriller

    WAGWAN Reopened Applications.

    Ingame name : Emily Miller Current amount of cash : 1.3mil What is the state of your armory? : 30 m4a1 20 mp5k Cars currently owned? : mclaren p1 Marksmanship Levels? : 100 rifle and smg Firearms Level? : 125
  16. TimThriller

    The Avenian Empire

    OOC name; TimThriller^_^ In-game name;Emily Miller In-game car;Mclaren P1 In-game money; 200k In-game playtime; 1 month 22 days What gun(s) do you use?; m4a1 Why would you like to join?; i wanna join a good org and i know tyrone and georgina
  17. TimThriller

    sofa chair i just found this idk if its new
  18. TimThriller


    I would like to take a mintue and recommend probaly the Most Gangsta Roleplayer in perp at the moment, Tyrone Johnsson AKA TheDrunkenRage. His constant Ghetto attitude has given many laughs and many many "N-word" Comments. Me and him joined around the same time maybe like 2 years ago and we have...
  19. TimThriller

    AR Marino omerta

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Emily Miller His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marino omerta His/Her SteamID:i idont know Why Should This Player Be Punished:he killed me for no reason Evidence (Demo Required):
  20. TimThriller

    Wah Ching Applications

    Steam name: TimThriller^_^ Steam link: Age: 19 IC Name: Emily Miller Firearms: 120 Rifle marksmanship: 54 Cars: Mclaren p1 Cash: 250k Why would you like to join us?: im curently orgless and i want some cool new people to hangout with
  21. TimThriller

    The Diamond Knuckle Syndicate Applications

    Your Steam Name: TimThriller^_^ Your Ingame Name: James Miller Playtime within the server: 1months+ Special skills that you inquire: veri good shooter Vehicles that you own: mclaren p1 Weapon Arsenal: m4a1 sr25 Crafting Level: 117 VIP or Non-Vip: vip
  22. TimThriller

    Les Reines

    The Quiet Neighbours: surrender
  23. TimThriller

    The Quiet Neighbour

    silent need 20 people to flank vs 4 guys XDDDDDD nice meme
  24. TimThriller

    The Quiet Neighbours Applications

    Link to organisation page: Myself or Tyrone Strobez may accept applications. Template: In character information: Name: Firearms Level: Vehicle(s): Notable organisations: Why do you wish to join:
  25. TimThriller

    The Quiet Neighbour

    Well then, i guess ya'll want to know how we started off huh? Sit down son because we are going on a little ride. It all started with the two orphans called James and Tyrone. They grew up together in a hood called The Quet Neighbour. Starting from a young age James was a crazy son a bitch...
  26. TimThriller

    Les Reines Applications

    Out of character information: Steam Name: TImThriller^_^ Age (19): Playtime:4 weeks+ In character information: Name: James Miller Age: 21 Firearms Level:104 Vehicle(s):Mclaren P1 Notable organisations: armernian maffia williams co Why do you wish to join: because this is the best org and i...
  27. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: James Miller Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42661901 What do you need refunded: 30k for my car and i lost 1 deagle with red dot sight @Mage have logs Evidence: Tick:
  28. TimThriller

    James Miller

    active shoot-out? you killed the cops m8
  29. TimThriller

    James Miller

    i threat to kill you and we stabbed each other with a knife like 10 min before this
  30. TimThriller

    AR on Bryan Ford

    Your Steam/In-game Name: TimThriller^_^ His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bryan Ford His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 i told him to get on the ground and he take out his gun Evidence (Demo Required): the gif is kinda laggy but...