Search results

  1. Ben Lockwood

    Ben Lockwood Refund request

    Your in-game name: Ben Lockwood Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45983634 What do you need refunded: An m24 With the following attatchments (Not shown in demo) Night force scope, 7.62 by 55 supressor and the bullets (shits costly man Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Aarons tesla ate it Evidence...
  2. Ben Lockwood

    PH CS:GO Tournament Winter '15 - Enter Now!

    Will Be polishing later just need penciling in before the closing date. Team Name & Logo (logo is optional) TBC Team Leader [Ben Standish] | [Supreme Master First class] | [tbc] | [ @Standish ] Team Members [Ben Lockwood] | [Global Elite] | [steam profile here] | [ @Ben Lockwood ] [Kitty] |...
  3. Ben Lockwood

    Meth Glitched out!

    Please re-submit these forms with a demo or some kind of time stamps just to make sure you did not pick up the props and claim it was this bug.
  4. Ben Lockwood

    Refund Request

    Contact senior administration in game for a refund.
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Berreta Silenced : Empty - Resolved

    Contact senior administration in game for a refund.
  6. Ben Lockwood

    Server Crash 16/10/2015 - resolved

    There was a lot of time outs around that point in time and the server was DDOS'ed so contact senior administration in game for your refund.
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Refund for drug loss - Resolved

    Contact senior administration in game to get your refunds.
  8. Ben Lockwood

    RR Full Remi 2 - solved

    Creepis has vouched for this and as such we will refund the items lost. Contact senior administration in game for a refund.
  9. Ben Lockwood

    Lost drugs on game crash - Solved

    Sadly we do not refund client side errors.
  10. Ben Lockwood

    The Standish Family

    My only real "skill" is having a shit ton of money.
  11. Ben Lockwood


    Well as My gmod seems to spawn limitless problems I will be all sorted and ready to play by thursday evening. Believe me this is more of a pain than you can imagine
  12. Ben Lockwood

    Hope you have not forgotten me

    Still need someone to help me with this Error. Failed to send a snapshot bullshit before I can actually connect though.
  13. Ben Lockwood

    Hope you have not forgotten me

    Basically recently I have had a lot going on and have been unavailable due to a number of different things however this post is not to dwell on them but simply to say hey again everyone. I will be back to my usual nerdy activity, see you in the game.
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Error failed to send a snapshot

    a few of you may have noticed that I have not been on the server recently,the reason for my inactivity is not boredum or anything like that but the plain fact that I cannot connect. I try to connect around 5-10 times a day and every time I get a message that pops up saying "Error! Failed to send...
  15. Ben Lockwood

    Uploading some of my CS

    I play cs like 8 hours a day when I am not in work or college so I thought I would upload some aces etc, the main issue being that the only ace I got today was this shitty one. YOLO
  16. Ben Lockwood

    Action Request - Cheeky Chef - Resolved

    Clear breakage of 3.4 and apologies for the time it took to deal with this. I was away.
  17. Ben Lockwood

    DemWambo - Resolved

    Failure to submit evidence.
  18. Ben Lockwood

    Action Request - Resolved

    You will be refunded for the sg and the player wil recieve a warning. @MoronPipllyd
  19. Ben Lockwood

    Action Request 2x - Resolved

    I do not have sufficient evidence to ban the users in the first video however in the second video it is clear that you where killed for a very minor arrest. The user Dubstep beater will be banned for 1 week.
  20. Ben Lockwood

    DemWambo - Resolved

    No luck with the logs so I will need that demo posting here or a new thread creating before I take any action. Failure to provide a demo before the end of the week will result in this thread being locked.
  21. Ben Lockwood

    DemWambo - Resolved

    If the demo does not show it there is no sufficient evidence to show your famas being picked up, If you provide me with the steam ID of the last person to hold the gun before the police confiscated it I can see if it was confiscated.
  22. Ben Lockwood

    Happy Birthday Morten!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday Morten!!!!!!!!!
  23. Ben Lockwood

    It's been great, but this is it.

    Damn man, one goodbye I never wanted to see. good luck in the future. cya bud.
  24. Ben Lockwood

    Bye Swiper, the rebranding.

    I will now be re-branding to [PH] swiper the fox
  25. Ben Lockwood

    Guess who's back?

    Welcome back, hope you rediscover the fun you had on the server last time. Cya in game. Nice vid btw.
  26. Ben Lockwood

    This is goodbye...

    Poor banter there matey
  27. Ben Lockwood

    Sooo how's everyone doing today

    Nice weather we are having...
  28. Ben Lockwood

    My amazing cs go ace

    luck over skill, you play like a headless chick. deal with it
  29. Ben Lockwood

    [SOLVED] Requesting evidence of bazar fire.

    Well, Molotovs throw around that time where from either [PH] тѕсм.Kermit - STEAM_0:1:36558459 Pusheen ジ- STEAM_0:0:48419882 If this helps Feel free to use it in your refund request, in addition to this you will need the demo of you placing the guns as proof for a refund. Sorry I could not be of...