Suggestion Title: Add an option to deal with car bombs
Suggestion Description: Add some way of diffusing car bombs, for example by enabling TFU to add a C2 charge to the car like with any other vehicle.
Why should this be added?:
- Currently there's no option for police to find out, using...
Is this a new law or a change to a current law:
Modify law 9.7
What law do you wish to change/add:
9.7 Sexual Offences
Any person who coerces another person through force, threats or abuse of authority forces another person into performing a sexual act commits an offence. Furthermore any...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Scrabuz/Jaden Hartman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: JBiRKSY/Jak Birksy
His/Her SteamID: JBiRKSY STEAM_0:1:68130601
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Jak broke rule 3.4 in this situation, he killed me over a simple traffic stop. As you can see in the beginning, the driver...
So, I recently completely reset my PC. Before that I didnt have any issue with Frosty Mod Manager and Mass Effect Andromeda whatsoever, it worked perfectly. But I tried playing the game with mods again and it just wont work.
I've taken the following steps to see if it would fix the problem...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Scrabuz/Konrad Schmitt
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] SkillsXgaming[IFN]/Peterina Castricum
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:48259783
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4: The player shot me infront of suburbs fredys after I gunpointed a man who was casually walking...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Scrabuz/Jaden Rogerson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: cookiro
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42606324
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Cookiro killed me just after I detained his friend during a traffic stop. He dc'ed right after that but already got banned for it. He also...
So, my english teacher was like "Yo, write a 10-12 page analysis about patriotism in the US and compare it to American Sniper" but I can't find a proper book about patriotism in the US. So I hope some of you guys know of any books or credible sources I can use, otherwise I'm kinda fucked right now.
Anyone else playing it? I'm currently in my second playthrough and think it's totally amazing (however I'm a fanboy so I can't stay really impartial here). However, I'm currently looking for some people to play the multiplayer with cause I can't be arsed to play with randoms who don't understand...
For some reason, everytime I try to join the server (no matter if I join using Steam friends, the gametracker thingy or the server list in the game) the game gets stuck at "Authenticating with Steam". No matter how long I way, it just stays at that point.
I restarted the game several times, I...
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back to the server/community. After realising that the community I started with some other guys, that many ex members of PERP joined and that had quite a lot of beef with PERP (I guess you all know what I'm talking about). I decided to come back...
Your Steam/In-game Name: Scrabuz/Jaden Rogerson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sanity/ Alex Lance
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59567816
Why Should This Player Be Punished: The player should be punished for breaking rule 3.4, to be more exact, he risked his freedom from imprisonment by running from a...
Well, since I reset my pc 4 days ago, everytime I restart my computer I don't have any sound. The only solution I found was: Re installing the drivers.
Headset: Razer Kraken Pro 7.1
Drivers: Razer Synapse
Razer Surround
Well, as of today my ethernet is fucking around. It worked aprox. 3-4 hours ago and now I get a message saying "unidentified network, no network access". Would be nice if any of you guys could help me out with this.
P.S. currently on my phone, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes
Well, it happened that my cat thought it would be a lovely place to sleep on my headset and tear the cable going to the right ear apart. So, I'm searching for a new Headset, but can't decide which one to take. I have a budget of 95.41€ and would like a 7.1 one, I don't care whether it is USB or...
For some reason the planning board is unavailable.
I played two prep missions for prison break yesterday and wanted to continue with the last one and the actual mission, however when I access the planning board it does not show anything except "Prison break" at the top.
If anybody knows what...
Well, I wanted to format my PC this night so that I could do my shit tomorrow, however, it doesn't work.
I got a new OS on a disk by the guys who upgraded my PC and they told me how to install the OS. When it boots I am supposed to press F8 and choose to boot from the disk, however when I do...
I'd just like to give this out to @Cole. His roleplay is exceptional and his rule-/law-knowledge is amazing. Furthermore he is a nice guy, always helping out everyone to the best of his abilities. I'd really love to see him as Enforcer again.
I'm gonna leave the community .... forever. Nah, jokes aside, eventhough some of you would like me to leave the community I'm only leaving till the 26th as I'll be driving to Berlin tomorrow at 4:44 AM. See you later.
I'm gonna visit my idol's home Adolf Hitler Angela Merkel.
I just bought Fallout 4 and just wanted to play, but well, the game is fucking around. When I start it it says it is gonna set the perfect graphic settings and sets it to Ultra. I started it and it was in borderless windowed mode. I closed the game again, started it up again, it said it is...
Paramedic application:
OOC Requirements:
You have to be at least 15 years of age (as of the 01.06.2016, exceptions may be made)
OOC information:
Do you know first aid/possess a first aid or paramedic license:
Gender (not necessary, just would be nice if you tell us):
Do you have a...
Paralake Red Cross - Serving for Paralake
The “International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies” (IFRC)/ “International Committee of the Red Cross” (ICRC) was founded it 1919 and since then coordinates all activities of the 188 (actually existing) “National Red...
Well, as some of you might know, I tend to yell at people pretty often. Sadly I can not do that anymore. I got 4 fractured, 3 partially fractured ribs, about 2 are contused, got normal bruises and stuff.
You might think "How the holy fuck did he manage to do that?!". Well, we played Rugby for...
Well, I really don't do these often, but I just saw myself forced to do this today.
Let's start with the Lizard, aka Murtsduck aka @Murtsley: He is a generally very friendly lad and a bunch of fun aswell. He knows his shit as Lieutenant (Leftenant) and Moderator. Please please please please...
So, I want to start my 5th playthrough of all 3 games, but I can not even decide one thing! :(
BioWare just put SOO FUCKING MANY options into the game.
So, here I ask you guys:
What build do you guys like most) Which class, which gender, romance etc?
For those who have not played Mass Effect...
Well, yesterday evening I wanted to record a demo for an AR, but as soon as I finished loading the demo, my screen went black and my Gmod crashed. I tried it a few times, crash every time. I tried different methods of loading the map before (singleplayer, multiplayer) and verified the integrity...
Sieg Heil und Heil Hitler *thinking* Uhm no..... that sounds wrong ..... Oh, I got it *thingking*
Hey there,
you might have (or maybe not) noticed that I wasn't really active in the past. This seems to be changing again. Mainly due to the announcement that the whitelist isn't comming as fast as...
Well, as I recently noticed, many of my games ARE LAGGING THE SHIT OUTTA ME! So I decided: Fuck my money, I need a new PC. I can pay up to 1500€, so I guess some good stuff will be in.
Stuff I want/decided to take:
CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231v3 4x3.6GHz @HT 8x3.6GHz
Mainboard: MSI H97 Gaming 3...
So, you may have noticed that my activity on the server drastically reduced in the past few weeks. This is basically due to me having stuff to do IRL, aswell as setting stuf up for a friends server launching in the next few days (I hope.....), but mainly because PERP isn't that much fun anymore...
Well, since my current keyboard is fucked up (most keys dont or only sometimes work, others I needed to change with other keys I dont use that often) I have to buy a new one. I'm currently thinking about either the Logitech 910 or the Razer Black Widow, but can't decide which one I should buy or...