Slightly more active again

Reaction score
Bottrop, Germany
Sieg Heil und Heil Hitler *thinking* Uhm no..... that sounds wrong ..... Oh, I got it *thingking*
Hey there,
you might have (or maybe not) noticed that I wasn't really active in the past. This seems to be changing again. Mainly due to the announcement that the whitelist isn't comming as fast as I thought and the server I expected to open up 6 weeks or so ago not going up (dev not doing shit except playing ARK 24/7.......). Furthermore I just finished my first aid stuff within the DRK (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (=German red cross)) and wont be takeing a course anymore (next thing is gonna be different paramedic exams etc). Last but not least I currently have easter vacation, most of my friends aren't here anymore (or were not able to take their pc with them) so I got like noone to play with and am fucking bored (after 2 days xD). So yeh, you can expect me back on the server again.

Heil Hitler *thingking* damn it, I should really stop doing this *thinking*
Uhh, see ya somewhere,