Search results

  1. Madda

    For Applicants & Players Leaving Feedback

    For applicants: If you wish to succeed in becoming a staff member, ensure you meet the requirements and guidelines for the role. The helper role isn't subject to the same activity standards that other staff ranks are, you're essentially a passive support-based staff member. Despite not having...
  2. Madda

    Weekly Arma 3 events

    Hi! Good ol' @KeiwaM, myself and a few others have set up a little Arma 3 unit. We run weekly coop events, created by a Zeus or two. It's nothing too serious but we expect everyone to behave themselves and follow the orders of superior officers. Other than that it's pretty laid back. All events...
  3. Madda

    5.5 Robbing the bank

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.5 Robbing the bank Your version of the rule: Players are only allowed to assist in the bank robbery if they have joined the bank robbery by texting the NPC. They must be outside the vault when the drill is placed and must not travel too far from the bank...
  4. Madda

    Update log - 29/07/21

    Update log - 29/07/21 Good evening, some additions and bug fixes will go live on the next server restart. Additions: New item for an upcoming event New ringtones Nokia Arabic In Da Club Penguin Secret Agency Vibrate Event staff can place custom player tags over a players head Staff members...
  5. Madda


    Hey there, As the title suggests, it is time for me to step down from my position as Senior Administrator. This is mainly due to me wanting to shift my focus to other things in life. This was obviously no easy decision for me to make, after 7 years in the community, and 5 years in the staff...
  6. Madda

    Gmod Stuff 2.0

  7. Madda


  8. Madda

    Server Events - 23/05/2020

    Good evening! We thought it was about time to do some announced events again. Rather than selecting a random few, we'll let people vote on some. If we find a good solution to it we will also try some RP events on top of the normal ones, any suggestions here or in the Ideas & Suggestions threads...
  9. Madda

    19/01/2020 - Changes to Senior Administration

    Good evening! Sadly, @TinySlayer has decided to resign from his position as Senior Administrator. He did a lot of work for the community and senior administration, and he will be missed. To help me and @Bolli push the staff team forward, we have decided to promote a new Senior Admin. I hope...
  10. Madda

    Regarding recent incidents

    Hello there, As you may be aware, some rather serious allegations have been made against two of our former staff members in the last couple of months. The kind of behaviour that was allegedly is obviously not okay, so has been looked upon very seriously. It does however seem like people think...
  11. Madda

    Bunch of clips

    Bunch of clips I've gathered over the last year. Be aware of @Tunnels ear rape at 0:40
  12. Madda

    Follow me

  13. Madda

    Update Log - 26/11/2019

    A few weeks ago, we re-released evocity_v33x_perpheads, a former map used on the server back in 2013. We hope you guys are enjoying the change in scenery, it seems to have got you guys playing the server again which is brilliant to see. As said in the original release post, there were a few...
  14. Madda

    Map Rotation

    Hey there, A recent suggestion was made not too long ago by @Dom_, where he suggests a map rotation. We have decided to give this a go, to try and give some variety to the game. The purpose of this post is to give you a chance to vote on which map should be the first one, and how often they...
  15. Madda

    Rule Changes 14/10/2019

    Hey, There has been some minor updates to the following rules: 3.4, 3.18 and 5.3. 3.4 Putting your Life at Risk A few examples has been added to the rule, to hopefully help clarify it a bit more. 3.18 Storages and trunks The rule now specifies that this also includes government officials...
  16. Madda

    SERVER EVENTS - 05/10/2019

    05/10/2019 - SERVER EVENTS Been a while since we have done some events, so it's time to host a few! BAT BATTLE Each player is given a bat, the goal is to knock everyone else out and be the last man standing. TIME: 6:00PM BST (GMT+1) WINNER (ROUND 1): Whitetiger WINNER (ROUND 2): Team Blue...
  17. Madda

    Changes to rule 3.9

    Hi! It seems that it was not announced properly, but changes has been made to rule 3.9. Props can now be placed freely in public without having to ask a staff member. The structure must however benefit roleplay and should not be used for combat. 3.9 Placing Props Props may only be placed...
  18. Madda

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    Hey there There has been talk about an org update for a while. We have already figured out some of the stuff we would like added, and a few different options we could choose from. Since there is a few ways this could be implemented, we thought we would ask the community, and get some...
  19. Madda

    Gmod horror

    Some clips of us playing some gmod horror maps, good way to break headsets. @Logan Finch
  20. Madda

    Move the taser slot

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Move the taser slot from 2 to 3 or another number. Full description of the idea: Basically just move the taser slot from 2 to 3 so that officers don't accidentaly pull out their...
  21. Madda

    Arma 3 Zeus

    Hi! Me and @KeiwaM thought it would be fun to gather some people together and play some Arma 3 Zeus. The plan is to host this at Friday the 4th of January at 7PM (UK time). We will be using some mods. We have done this once before, and it turned out to be quite a lot of fun! The more...
  22. Madda

    Arma 3 Fun

    Been playing some Arma 3 with @KeiwaM @Smily @Logan Finch @Fielding Idk whats wrong with the quality btw
  23. Madda

    Arma 3

    Hello! We are currently playing some Arma 3, zeus. We will be playing for the next couple of hours, everyone who wants to join is free to join, just come to general channel 1 (Gaming). You will need the following mods: NIArms:
  24. Madda

    Robbing the bank

    Hello This is just to clarify that the city funds has no impact on the amount you get from a bank robbery. Therefore users are free to rob the bank regardless of what the city funds are.
  25. Madda

    Kill & Death logs

    Just letting all of you know that staff will no longer be giving out kill & death logs, unless it is related to a report, refund request, action request or anything else related with rule breaks. Therefore it would be nice if everyone would stop asking for it, as it is quite annoying for us...
  26. Madda

    (SOLVED) Send help

    Hello I hope some of you can help me with a little issue. Whwnever I start my computer I am met by a blue screen and the error code " system thread exception not handeled". I have tried restarting the pc, it did not help. If anyone could help me out that would be great :)
  27. Madda

    The Forest

    Some clips of me and @CodezBlack playing the forest. NOTE: Clips after 1:17 may contain spoilers to the ending of the game.
  28. Madda


  29. Madda

    Great stuff #3

    Hello. This is the most funny clips I have got from video games, this time it is mostly perpheads.
  30. Madda

    Some great stuff V2
