Search results

  1. TheVin

    Farage (UKIP) The Game | aliens added

    Hi, so I was messing on and I made this abomination, click the link below to play no download, all ran in the web browser. Currently the game is just one level and a half-assed boss battle but expect more, as I am such a sad person that I will happily spend time updating this shit. Todo: Add...
  2. TheVin

    Battlefield 1: What do you think?

    Did it live up to the hype?
  3. TheVin

    Traffic Lights for Traffic Officers

    Topic: Adding proper, working Traffic lights that can be placed down. Short explanation (in notes): - A working pair of traffic lights - Can use models from this: - Light would be opposite to other (eg: Light 1 = Red then Light 2...
  4. TheVin

    James Diamond Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: TheVingard | Jake Tennyson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: James Diamond His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56987960 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.4 by gunpointing an officer over a $1000 ticket, then attempted to murder the officer after he had complied (2.5)...
  5. TheVin

    Action request on some people

    Your Steam/In-game Name: TheVingard | Jake Tennyson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (STEAM_0:1:74741635 | Tomas Zah | Citizen) and (STEAM_0:1:20758972 | Donald Smith | Citizen) (I think) His/Her SteamID: Possibly STEAM_0:1:20758972 and STEAM_0:1:74741635 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User...
  6. TheVin


    @Rogue Car Tyres @moher4 ghost @Sagittarius/That Guy Also thanks to: @Teemo for taking the picture :D This is the first thing I have really edited before (On windows move maker :p) but please tell me if you think that editing was good or bad. Thanks. Also, sorry that it's only in 480p, I...
  7. TheVin

    Chris Recomendation (Police)

    Today I am reccomending @Chris for his outstanding roleplay as Lt. in the Regals raids. I'd like to say your roleplay was amazing in this situatuon, spending time to setup squads, plans and formations although I am not sure if it was successful. Anway, thanks for being a great LT. Thanks...
  8. TheVin

    Giving Traffic Officers LED Road Signs?

    Topic: Adding LED road signs to warn citizens on the road. Short explanation (in notes): - Adding a customisable LED Road Sign that traffic officers can place. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It would make less roadblocks result in crashes and allow Traffic...
  9. TheVin

    Whole Medical System Revamp

    Topic: Revamp of the whole medical system Short explanation (in notes): - Improves Medical Roleplay. - A more realistic and detailed medical system. - Makes Medic more fun. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): What is it? My idea is to completely revamp the medical system...
  10. TheVin

    Giving away 2 Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm passes!

    I just bought the game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm and it came with some Guest Passes, so I'm going to give away 2 of them. I belive they last for like 7 DAYS. Anyway, to enter just comment your SteamID and I will draw it on Sunday GMT Time. Thanks! here is a link...
  11. TheVin


    Today I was Roleplaying with @Frank His roleplay as a police sergeant was very good, including forcensic roleplay, I'd like to say thanks for being a good partner, and your roleplay has improved, allot. It seems he has, changed :)
  12. TheVin

    How to perform a realistic police interrogation

    This guide will inform users on how to preform a realisitic police interrogation in a few easy steps: Tips on interrogations: Control the situatuion calmly, in a professional manner ensuring that all suspects have a fair say. Keep notes of the situations and evaluate the notes at the end...
  13. TheVin

    Bringing back Helper

    Brining back. Topic: Bringing the rank "Helper" back. Short explanation (in notes): - To bring back the Helper rank for people who want to be more passivley involved with the server. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I was not in the server when helper was still...
  14. TheVin

    LordTyla and Hayden

    Hello! I am making this post to reccomend the user "@Hayden" and the moderator "@LordTyla". The reason I am making this reccomendation is becuase I was involved with a hostage situation and we where negotiating with the Police Force, unfortunatley it failed and I was arrested. The actual arrest...
  15. TheVin


  16. TheVin

    AR on JakeScrubLord

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Jake Tennyson | TheVingard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jake Hermanadez (or something | JakeScrubLord His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80665242 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke rule 4.1 by breaking law 11.11 and 8.3 (lying to me and assisting criminal actions, by...
  17. TheVin

    Verified Tooter Accounts

    Just wondering, will the Verified status for Tooter accounts to be given out to just the Police Department ect. or will it be given to people who dedicate there Tooter accounts for a long period of time to News ect? If so it would be nice for some PassiveRP :)
  18. TheVin

    Tooter Accounts show follower amount

    Topic: Tooter accounts show how many people follow them. Short explanation (in notes): - Would show how many people are following that account. - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Because it's useful to see who and how many people follow that account. Optional...
  19. TheVin

    Goverment Employee Impartiality Act

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New law What law do you wish to change/add: Goverment Impartiality Act Why should this change/addition be made: To ensure that all Goverment employees are impatial including the mayor's broadcast system. This law is made to make it fair for...
  20. TheVin

    Whats probably coming up in PERPHEADS

    Hello. I've started to look through XQuality's streams and here's all the cool stuff from them. NOTICE: This is not done, I have got to watch like 17 hours of footage. So if you find anything put it in the comments please. Let's begin. 1. So first thing we can see from the stream thumbnails...
  21. TheVin

    oskar and his swim clan

    ik im good.
  22. TheVin

    Brookes PMC

    Brookes PMC Paralakes Private Military -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who are we? We are not a massive organisation, we are a currently relatively small group, we do mostly growing operations for bigger orgs or rich people. We have strong ties...
  23. TheVin

    sign my petition

    Make tyler change his status from "fallout 4 is shit"
  24. TheVin

    A proper Police Database.

    Topic: Police Database system. Short explanation (in notes): - A police In-Game database that can be opened by a Hotkey (f1-f9) - Police Supervisors would act as Database moderators and would be able to add and remove things from it. - It would look like the one from GTA 4. Detailed...
  25. TheVin

    Murtsley recommendation

    Hello, Today I am recommending a Server Moderator know as Murtsley (excuse if spelt wrong). I'd like to say he was a really professional friendly member of staff, he helped me greatly (watching and downloading endless demos). He put allot of effort into helping me out. :D Thank you.
  26. TheVin

    Craftable Armor

    Topic: Armor that you can Craft Short explanation (in notes): - Would take several components to craft, and would work kinda like Cop armor - Would stick onto the player like the Accessories, and there would be 2 tiers, Light, Medium, Heavy - Each would have there own model and wearing armor...
  27. TheVin

    Hacking Idea

    I know this is ALOT to ask but.. So, on the Map there would be an NPC, now you would pay this NPC like 30000 to get Government employee names and there numbers. This would improve RP threats and Kidnappings. You could also pay like 50000 to set off Government fire alarms forcing them to leave...
  28. TheVin

    New FBI Job

    I think an FBI job would be really cool Job. It would be a Donor only job. The players within the Job would act as Undercover police. You would have Civilian clothing and be under command of the Lt. You would intercept Criminal Orgs. Every time you Sign up you shall be given a Fake Name and ID...