Search results

  1. GamingPeach

    Warning Dispute (Ezza)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: GamingPeach Your Roleplay Name: David Peach Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436 Why were you punished?: 3.4 - The...
  2. GamingPeach

    Action Request (unknown)

    Your Steam Name: GamingPeach Your Roleplay Name: David Peach Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436 Player's Steam Name: unknown Player's Roleplay Name: Faggio Automobillio Player's SteamID: Why should this player be punished?: 1.2, 2.5 & 3.1 - Player decided to randomly shoot another...
  3. GamingPeach

    Action Request (XFraGGeR PLUS.GG)

    Your Steam Name: GamingPeach Your Roleplay Name: David Peach Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436 Player's Steam Name: XFraGGeR PLUS.GG Player's Roleplay Name: Pedro Pinheiro Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34030136 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4: The player decided to drive around...
  4. GamingPeach

    Action Request (Matar)

    Your Steam Name: GamingPeach Your Roleplay Name: David Peach Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83369436 Player's Steam Name: Matar Player's Roleplay Name: Alex Cooper Player's SteamID: 76561198026469508 Why should this player be punished?: The player broke 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour, 3.24 Staying...
  5. GamingPeach

    Fish Have Blood

    @Rick F.
  6. GamingPeach

    Bug Report (Unable to do anything when Mayor in Mayor computer and AFK timer pop-up)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Unable to do anything when Mayor in Mayor computer and AFK timer pop-up How to reproduce the Bug: Go Mayor, go into the computer system and get the AFK pop-up question Time Stamp: 15/06/2023 - 16:25 Errors: Just can't do anything, I had Bojing...
  7. GamingPeach

    Bug Report (Inverted and Screen Movement)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Inverted and Screen Movement How to reproduce the Bug: I am not sure, I was run down when taking a combat knife out of P1 Time Stamp: 10/06/2023 21:00 Errors: My entire POV shifted to the Left and movement was inverted as a result Media...
  8. GamingPeach

    Content Bug Report (Unable to hear gun shots at range (any furthur than 10m) i.e. if I am stood at PD I wouldnt hear shots being fired from Slums. I h

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Unable to hear gun shots at range (any furthur than 10m) i.e. if I am stood at PD I wouldnt hear shots being fired from Slums. I have reviewed audio settings, deleted all content not used (only play perp) and have redownloaded all of the Perpheads...
  9. GamingPeach

    Server Suggestion PLPD Battering Ram Skill

    Suggestion Title: PLPD Battering Ram Skill Suggestion Description: A lot of skills are on perpheads already however, there aren't any perspective skills for PLPD like there is for roadcrew like the repair skills or like the medic & firefighter system where if you're more experienced you are...
  10. GamingPeach

    Operations Services - Observation Reports

    Hello Perpheads, Operation Services have been enforcing observation reports for many years now with recent times becoming a lot more strict, however I have been made aware many people aren't fully aware of what observation reports are and why we have them. Operation Services have created a...
  11. GamingPeach

    User Interface Overlap

    Type of bug: Content Description of the bug: User interface with the new location and unit, simple overlap issue How to reproduce the bug: Unsure Time stamp(s): Images *Errors: *Media: &
  12. GamingPeach

    PLPD - Patrol

    Hello people, I've been part of PLPD for about 18 months since rejoining and have worked my way up through the ranks and I am now in a position to really change and develop Patrol division. I do have a good amount of ideas of my own and have heard from multiple people what they would like to...
  13. GamingPeach

    Old Scoreboard

    Who remembers this?
  14. GamingPeach


    Hello Perpheads, @Josef I've been back a little bit now and had the opportunity to spend some quality time on perpheads, during this time have noticed a few members who are really outstanding and make perpheads what it is today for a number of reasons. The member i have high lighted is Josef...
  15. GamingPeach

    Liam Puka Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Misel/Nikola Rodic His/Her Steam/In-game Name: GamerTron/ Liam Puka His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:122752424 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He randomly ran an officer down. He then randomly started a police chase. He then blank gun point. He then finally got out of a...
  16. GamingPeach


    Hello PerpHeads I am not going to start naming people again as that's pointless you know who you are and I know who I will continue to talk to after leaving but besides the point. I loved perpheads well, I loved the police side of perpheads hated the criminal side. But my time has come to a sad...
  17. GamingPeach

    Hostage Guide

    Hostage Situations Guide Outline: This guide will be outlining what should happen during a hostage situation and how it should be dealt with. I will also be using a handy image I found on google regarding a hostage situation at a subs house and what should happen; just apply the information I...
  18. GamingPeach

    Collier & Lewis 088

    I will start with @Col. Collier he is an excellent role player and just a friendly guy i hope he stays this way during my absence. No but seriously his police role play is excellent and can act professional but still willing to have a life making it so much more enjoyable one of the few command...
  19. GamingPeach


    I wont be active over Christmas and the beginning of 2017 due to my actions when raiding a base. I thought it would be a smart idea to shoot a base member who was unarmed named @Joneij and I do apologize to him for the effect I had on his role play experience however, I am here to update...
  20. GamingPeach

    KappaPride / Alliat

    After thinking about it and a good response from one of the thought offenders I came to the conclusion that nothing major happened here just the fact cops were round the corner but its understandable they weren't aware, just unlucky. Solved.
  21. GamingPeach

    Que server

    the que server was great it was fair and didn't require any sort of stress or moaning . The people that moaned because it was like I can join the server in 5mkns by spamming console good for you but others don't want to that . Bring back the que server best way to fix the issue.
  22. GamingPeach


    To pick just one player took time but I have decide Cole due to many factors the main one being how he always manages to answer admins sits and deals with them so calmly I really appreciate he dedication towards the welfare of this community and making it an enjoyable place to be and play. Good...
  23. GamingPeach

    Evidence bank

    so I watched a video the other day on arma 3 life and they had a cool feature which was an evidence bank where all the evidence that had been confiscated was their and had the name of the owner and the time/date it was confiscated by the police. I thought to myself this would be a cool feature...
  24. GamingPeach

    Keep Crashing?!

    This issues causes me to freeze and crash and I have attempted to re-download all of the content I even re-downloaded garrys mod itself. I have all custom server files enabled and my setting are all maxed out I was wondering I you knew a fix to this issue I have all these game contents...
  25. GamingPeach

    I Must Leave

    Hello Guys/Perpheads what ever i should call you but i suppose I don't need to call you anything any more. If your 15-16 your aware of the shit that's about to happen in your life that's what's happening in mine so unfortunately the same is happening in mine and perpheads is just taking revision...
  26. GamingPeach

    GoodBye For Some Time

    Hello perpheads I've been playing perp for just 10 months and I love it! I've had one break which was about 1 month. However if you have noticed I've been banned for 6 months I requested a ban due to my GCSE coming actually my photography has already started. So this isn't good bye forever but...
  27. GamingPeach

    Multi Recommendation

    Today I will be recommending three staff members for their efforts towards this community and how they have personal helped me. @Fredy 9/10 answer steam, easy to have a full conversation with him. He actually helped me with a snapshot error I had over a week ago allowing me to play the server...
  28. GamingPeach

    Does Rule 3.22 Count On The Bridge?

    Hello Perpheads I was just looking at action request and I noticed someone saying that the bridge going to business area was part of the highway I wanted to get your thoughts on the matter and I will tell you why I believe it isn't part of the highway. 1st reason why It's not part of the highway...
  29. GamingPeach

    Time To Go

    Removed time wasted 50mins
  30. GamingPeach


    Hello guys as many as you know by now, I was banned from the server for 3 months for excessive warnings (I don't blame you @MrLewis I blame myself) this post is just a little heads up for why i wont be active over Christmas ;'( , I also regret to inform you once I am unbanned; 15 days after my...