Search results

  1. Teemo


    anyone play dbd and interested in setting up a 5 man lobby?
  2. Teemo


    i'm not gonna play the server anymore, it's just a boring grind. times were fun and after I came back they seemed less fun. @smo ty, lots of fun @Atomic youre such an angry man @Super_ remember that time someone robbed your casino for like 200k by just minge-grabbing, it was me. @Taylor you mass...
  3. Teemo

    AR On Joe Dixon

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Liam Hancock / Teemo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Joe Dixon / ?? His/Her SteamID: ?? Why Should This Player Be Punished:3.4- Ignored commands while at gp Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  4. Teemo


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Teemo / Teemo Russo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Abraham Yehonaton / His/Her SteamID: ?? Why Should This Player Be Punished: Blatant 3.4 - pulled a gun under gp Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  5. Teemo

    AR on Mango 3.4

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Teemo / Teemo Russo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Mango / Jay Rothwell His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: First off, he announces to me he "wants my car" while standing next to it with a crowbar, then he doesn't even wait until I was out of sight / sound...
  6. Teemo

    OOC after death

    Imagine this: You are flanking a PD raid on projex, kill 2 cops and the others are clueless, then someone opens his mouth in OOC and screams "omfg flankers" and now the entire pd force knows you are flanking. Should a rule be in place?
  7. Teemo

    Kingdom Come : Deliverance

    Downloading it now, anyone else play?
  8. Teemo

    Community Name Puns

    I'll start it off, Frej, find your inner peas. Cool down Frej. Post yours for ANY community member below.
  9. Teemo


    I am missing this file and can't play the game I want :( help Game is Age of Empires 3 and all the dlc
  10. Teemo

    The Baby Blue People

    we are the baby blue people taylor denied my org app join if he did the same
  11. Teemo

    USB Device is not detected.

    Says in the title, my headphones cut out all the time because of it for hours on end. Help. @USB device is not recognized@
  12. Teemo

    staff bias?

    This is a dicussion about staff dealing with sits they were involved in. I believe that if a staff was involved in the situation, another staff(if one is online) should deal with the situation. This is mainly due to the fact that no matter how proffessional staff are, there will always be a...
  13. Teemo

    Battlefront 2

    Me and @Taylor have been playing the old battlefront 2 and havin a laugh. We found a download to be able to use multiplayer ( If you wanna play just reply we are doing conquests and hunts.
  14. Teemo

    Why am I such a cunt?

    I try way to hard to be mates with people, I just need to chill. I rimlick Olsen abit (link to point 1) I can be irritating by constantly speaking and trying to get conversations out of people when they just wanna base. Anything else I missed ? Staff do not warn or remove any posts.
  15. Teemo

    [Discussion] Org beef

    Anyone who has been here for longer than a year can remember Org beef that ranged from declaring war to dead bodies being posted on org pages but where has it gone? It is always being censored or closed because it can be (as in the term org beef) a bit beefy. I think at the end of the day...
  16. Teemo

    Suppressed Rifle

    Your in-game name: Teemo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81757952 What do you need to be refunded: Suppressed M4 Fully loaded w/ stock. Why do you want your item(s) refunded : @Strobez killed me and Racxes for no reason while I had an m4 on my back, admin sit was dealt with. Evidence: @Racxes es
  17. Teemo

    Bye for now

    bye @Taylor @Kay @Husky @Cody Garrett @Mage @Dom @Feng Yamaguchi @Imperial Watch
  18. Teemo

    Is the server TOO serious?

    PERPheads as we all know is a serious roleplay community,but how far is too far? We are getting to the point where we are using minor laws (such as transportation with attatchments/magazines) in a fuckin game. The server has declined since 2015, the server used to be serious when it needed to be...
  19. Teemo

    AR on few

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Teemo / Tom William His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sarah Kingsman/? Bob Bobov / ? His/Her SteamID: Please fill in Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4 / 3.21 : publicly mutilated a body infront of NPC's for no valid reason. Evidence (Demo Required) ; Tick:
  20. Teemo

    Silenced M4A1

    Your in-game name: Teemo Steam ID: What do you need refunded: Silenced M4A1 Fully loaded w/ stock. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Someone RDM'ed me. Evidence: @Raxces Tick:
  21. Teemo

    League of Legends

    Me and @Itzryzo have been duo queuing in League Of Legends for 2-3 days now climbing. I am B4 but will be silver in a few weeks and he is Silver rn. I main mid and he mains ADC. If there is anyone here who mains support,top or jungle and plays on EUW just add me. Name : Thanoose.
  22. Teemo

    Action Request on John Inch

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Teemo / Tom William His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Inch / Inchs His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81757952 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player randomly sprayed through a door and got a warning by Daymon. The very next day he ordered a KOS List for (and it was...
  23. Teemo


    Your in-game name: Tom William Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81757952 What do you need refunded: Fully loaded SIG P226 Pistol Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I got textbook RDM'ed by Jak Xaiver because someone in his org said KOS for no reason. Evidence: @Raxces Tick: N/A
  24. Teemo

    Is PERP actually dying?

    I have spoken to quite a few people now and have seen it on the forums (banned players and not banned) and a lot of people think PERP is on its last legs and may no longer be here by 2018. Of course, this is purely opinionated but I want to hear everyone else's opinion. Instead of rating it...
  25. Teemo

    Two years of my life.

    I joined the forums August 25 2015. Feels like ages away when Thomas Butcher (aids) joined the server. The first thing I did was bought a remmington and started raiding people back when Olsen had the older members and Crescendo was kicking about(my first big org). @Taylor brought me here after...
  26. Teemo


    @Cole is probably one of the best staff I have ever talked to, he is not only friendly OOC as well as IG. He handles situations perfectly as staff and always comes to a fair resolution. In the PLPD Cole is always helpful and never fails to help resolve one of my questions.
  27. Teemo

    Might take English dunno, here is a cringey story.

    Right so pretty much I am just starting my GCSE's and have been picked for this special English course for the "gifted" so I am also liking history rn and got a history essay I have to do so I wrote a mini story about World War 2 (the end) and I want opinions.
  28. Teemo

    First video

  29. Teemo


    I was looking for a free, easy to use video editing software that I can use to edit clips and add audio tracks easily and efficiently.
  30. Teemo

    The "new" me

    I have been in this community for a good 2 years (roughly) now and I was always know as that one mingey squeaker who always broke rules and had shit aim (the last one is still true tho). I am changing my profile name to Gambit as well as my ig name to a whole new person. My rep is shite and...