Search results

  1. Deathcorn112

    Tied up but then warned

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Deathcorn112 STEAM_0:1:39114803 His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Josef Trapani / Josef Trapani Joneij / Alfred Wayne His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56125088 STEAM_0:1:44899188 Why Should This Player...
  2. Deathcorn112

    Metal detectors

    Why the fuck do we have metal detectors when it won't detect a lot of things? I was just raided but did not know because they came in with melee weapons. Fucking shit. It is point less if it won't do the one thing of detect metal.
  3. Deathcorn112

    2.3 Right to a lawyer

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New What law do you wish to change/add: When you have been arrested, you have a right to call upon a lawyer and the police MUST follow the law and allow the person call and speak privately with their lawyer if requested. If lawyer is present at...
  4. Deathcorn112

    Working on pissing of teachers.

    Gonna see how many teachers piss me off to the point I work on pissing them off. So far I got 2 teachers. Plus might get put into isolation or suspended today.
  5. Deathcorn112


    Your Steam/In-game Name: Deathcorn112 His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sam His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97474497 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Every time i see them they are very disrespectful against my sexuality and bring that into RP to offend me and when i left as i was getting really...
  6. Deathcorn112

    3 people breaking rules making me lose 35k worth of stuff

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Vincent Pierce His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Could not get His/Her SteamID: IDK Why Should This Player Be Punished: I had my gun and they saw the threat and risk on thier life (3.6), When trying to get in they where in site of 3 people (NPC) and when i got my gun in...
  7. Deathcorn112

    Lost my stuff from rule breakers.

    Your in-game name: Vincent Pierce Steam ID: Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 10 weed, 10 cocan, 4 pots, reminton shotgun. Evidence:!KBklVaCa!44JRizt4tABAVbSFf_F-UYGo5frDCe5IxH7MJesg1ww Tick: Don['t properly understand it and can't watch demos
  8. Deathcorn112

    LT Ninja cuffing

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Deathcorn112/Gordon Maxwell His/Her Steam/In-game Name: WindwartDrop90 / Robert Mendez His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53955315 Why Should This Player Be Punished: HE abused his LT power by ninja cuffing me and claiming I stopped walking which i did not i was still walking...
  9. Deathcorn112

    My new recommendations.

    I am recommending both @Smudger and @AyJay only because both are as good as each other they take their time to help users of the community but there is some diffrences other then their efforts. Smudger came on when I needed a staff member and helped me out and we had a laugh which was very nice...
  10. Deathcorn112


    I recommend @Smudger because he is well known to the rules and he is very kind to all player of the community. He will take some off his time away to help you out no matter if it is important or just moving a prop for you. He takes his time to get on the server when you need him the most. He is...
  11. Deathcorn112

    my drugs gone

    Your in-game name: Gordon Maxwell Steam ID: Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Well i was AFK for a few moments not long enough for the AFK timer, of course I can't eat something cold extremly fast and as i spoke tolordtyla he says the timer is 15 mins when i was not away for 15 mins at...
  12. Deathcorn112

    Hello ladies and gents.

    I was not going to do this but I am really enjoying myself so why not. My name is Max, I am in year 10 doing my GCSE's for the next 2 years. I am 14 and I love playing games. So yeah I don't know what to say really.
  13. Deathcorn112

    my rant

    i am just go on a bit of a fucking rant cuz i am pissed and cuz i can. Right i was banned for 3.4 and 1.4 but 1.4 was complete shit i was not causing trouble i was confused why the admin flips shit on me interrupting him but ok for him to do it to me and then also banned for being disrespectful...