Search results

  1. JustJosh

    AR on louis

    Your Steam/In-game Name: JustJosh / Josh Benoit His/Her Steam/In-game Name: louis / Harrison Turner His/Her SteamID: STEAM_1:1:101636185 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User failed to value their life under gunpoint and ran off then shot me. Evidence (Demo Required):
  2. JustJosh

    Calling GLua Fluent People

    Myself I am not good at GLua but if you are why not give this competition a shot Maybe you could learn something even if you don't win and use your gamemode and develop it after! Just an idea...
  3. JustJosh

    My second aids song (Perpheads, Im so sorry)

    Some of you may have remembered "Just Like Collier" the aids song I made and now I am banned I felt like making another. Here you go!
  4. JustJosh

    [SOLVED]Invisible stuff

    Okay so I fixed my joining error but everything is invisible. Also people are displaying in PH suits dxlevel 90 didnt work See here Cops are fine...
  5. JustJosh

    [SOLVED]Crash when joining

    So I got home and tried to go on perp and I crash when joining This is the crash log: No error message Tried: Re-installing addons, Verifying cache Fixed it just downloaded tdm
  6. JustJosh

    My sick 10/10 memetastic song

    PLEASE DON'T DELETE I WANT TO SHARE MY MUSIC! I was inspired by @ErmakDimon so I made a song! DISCLAIMERS I cant sing I cant write songs I cant do shit Also you may get aids! Collier is actually a very good friend of mine but as always thanks for no support
  7. JustJosh

    Highway Safety Division

    ABOUT US The HSD (Highway Safety Division) is the main people working to keep the highways of Paralake safe. Here at HSD one of our main aims is campaigns to stop methods of dangerous driving. Our employees also specialize in road traffic collision control, If you ever find yourself in a...
  8. JustJosh

    Testing Barrett

    So we tested the barrett Turns out it kills 4 people and damages the last.
  9. JustJosh

    Kommando 9 - Application Info

    APPLICATION STATUS Applications are currently: OPEN APPLICATION LINK To apply visit here:
  10. JustJosh


    I'm now leaving for holiday, I will be gone till 20th so goodbye and also I wont be able to patrol as an officer.
  11. JustJosh

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Josh Benoit Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104846614 What do you need refunded: 20k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I made this AR and I was told to sort ingame as he crashed or timed out, When...
  12. JustJosh

    AR on Tyrone - 3.20 Disconnecting from the Server

    Your Steam/In-game Name: JustJosh/Josh Benoit His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Tyrone (will get last name ASAP) His/Her SteamID: n/a Why Should This Player Be Punished: I had just sold drugs and was at bazzar gambling, I made a lot of bets and then I made a last 20k bet and won (Over 60 roll) The user...
  13. JustJosh

    Police Computer

    Main Idea: SWAT should have access when using the computers in the PD Full description of the idea: I think SWAT need access to the police computer when they are on the computers in PD Why should it be added?: It should be added so when officers need quick name checks, They can ask SWAT as...
  14. JustJosh

    50k Refund

    Your in-game name: Bruce West Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104846614 What do you need refunded: 50k Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Was scammed but the RP was stalled by someone claiming OOC was interfering. Evidence:
  15. JustJosh

    AR on Matt

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Bruce West His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matt *TRADING*/Matt Douglas His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51638925 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player had a gambling store and I bet numerous amounts of small money, I then bet 50k and Matt claimed he had started lagging...
  16. JustJosh

    Interactive Crafting Prices Spreadsheet (App soon)

    This spreadsheet has: - Materials - Pistols - Explosives - Magazines - Ammo - Medical - Melee - Mixed Materials - Attachments - Rifles - Shotguns - Snipers - Stocks - Sub Machine Guns Link:
  17. JustJosh

    Phone Bug

    Ok so I joined the server then opened my phone and It showed this: I then dropped my phone and picked it up and I can no-longer open my phone
  18. JustJosh

    2.6 | Offensive Weapons

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change What law do you wish to change/add: I want to make it so this law excludes officers Why should this change/addition be made: Currently all officer and SWAT are breaking this law because they are publicly displaying in holsters and on...
  19. JustJosh

    New SWAT VAN

    Topic: New SWAT VAN ( Short explanation (in notes): - This van looks better - The one know has the worst interior and hurts my eyes with the shine! - The van is just nicer and will probably attract more people to the job which...
  20. JustJosh

    Sorry to the community

    So my record on bans and warnings is terrible, this is because I am a experience learner this means I learn from experiencing things. So anyway all my bans have in some way helped me because I learned from them. I want to apologise to the community about the rules I have broken and hope that I...
  21. JustJosh

    AR on Saxon Ward

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Enziital / Bruce West His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Saxon / Saxon Ward His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:118554755 Why Should This Player Be Punished: He failed to follow RP even when in cuffs, He was risking his own life and left in RP Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A EDIT...
  22. JustJosh

    Missing Textures

    I am missing a number of texture but it seems to only be the gloss of windows and floors I get this error: Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture2" which is not a texture value (material: nature/snowfloor001a) Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture2" which is not a texture...