Search results

  1. ind

    Ban Apology (Bolli)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bolli How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Ind Your Roleplay Name: It was that long I honestly can't remember Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68503613 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  2. ind

    Near miss, yet driving award goes to..
  3. ind


    So today is the day that I resign. Was waiting until I have started college because I feel it is time for me to move on with my life and pursue with the things I want to do. It will soon be coming up a whole year of me being part of this community and as a staff member. Throughout my time as...
  4. ind

    Admin inactivity notice

    Hi, Yesterday I had an eye operation due to an eye condition which I've been suffering with over the passed years. Just to ley you know that I haven't become innactive and hadn't suddenly just became stopped playing; my eyes are currently swollen and puffy so I can't play, or stare at computer...
  5. ind

    If any of you like Police games

    There is a realistic police simulator in development right now, if you're like me and you've always wanted to be part of a realistic world, full of realistic police features then head over to. Some of you may have already seen it on Green Light.
  6. ind

    The Perpheads Newspaper Contest!

    Judges: Ind, Fredy, Xquality, =7Cav=SGT.Sparks.N //// The deadline for participants will be on Wednesday 30th April. All competitors must have submitted their "Perpheads Newspaper" by Friday 2nd May. So if you want to have the chance to win get in now! \\\\\ We are hosting a fun and creative...
  7. ind


    I made a thread about me resigning about 1 month ago because of real life events which were taking place, but that is about to start up again; and as you know I haven't been playing PERP often. Therefore, I will still be playing on the server now and again but not as often as I did. I have made...
  8. ind

    How tidy is your desk?

    I've just been intrigued to know, mainly because I seem to frequently tidy my desk (removing all pens, paper and other junk) from it, but then a couple days later it's a complete tip. Just a question to you fellow PerpHeads players, is your desk tidy?
  9. ind

    Goodbye perpheads

    So, basically just to shorten this up due to my examinations coming up, as well as mocks the pressure is on and also other events which are taking place. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion of resigning from my rank as Administrator. I've had such a thrill while being an Administator for...
  10. ind

    Rather small suggestion but why not...

    Topic: Buying cans of drink from vending machines. Short explanation (in notes): -...Pretty self-explanatory but you press "E" on the vending machine, and it has a menu of drinks which can be bought. -...Helpful for police officers in the Police Department -...Small, quick refreshments to...
  11. ind

    You shouldn't have to pay for a Taxi

    You shouldn't have to pay for a Taxi in order to be one. Lets say that the Taxi Company within paralake is of course a small company, which would mean that an individual would surely get a company taxi car. I think that when you join the Taxi job they provide you with a Taxi, instead of having...
  12. ind


    Backpacks would be great if they were added. Added the way hats are so us players can actually see them on players backs. The idea of this is to give us Additional space to carry things in, like food and drinks. Maybe pistols can be stored in backpacks but not rifles. I thought of this because...
  13. ind


    I think "rope" as an item should be added which allows players to tie others, a bit like on Fearless RP/Applejack. The player must be still and it takes 10 seconds for the player to tie the person. Even though the use of /me is good, this will make it easier and more realistic when role playing...
  14. ind

    I have a brilliant suggestion! Car Explosions...

    How would it sound if cars, when in flames for about 2 minutes exploded? However it might be difficult to tell this because what if a fire was to spawn randomly or a fire happened to touch the fire? Would that mean it should explode or no? Or let's say if a car has been disabled and then a fire...
  15. ind

    Fire Smoke

    Some of you may think that this will be pointless, but I think it'll make things more interesting if the smoke which comes off of fires affects your health. So when it get's to close to you in realistic terms **you breathing it in** you couch and lose a bit of HP. I guess it's only a small...
  16. ind

    Just to let everyone know

    Just to let everyone know that I'm still active on the server, but on thursday my computer broke down and I am unable to play. However I'm on my laptop trying to setup Garry's Mod on there, and hopefully soon I can buy myself a new PC. Just to give you a heads up on why you might be thinking...
  17. ind

    Hello. Ingame name is Ind.

    Hello guys, My name is Tyrel, I am 16 years old. In game name known as Ind, character name "Tyrel Pipisi". I'd just like to introduce myself, I've been playing here for quite a while now, enjoying this great server, awesome coder whoever you are with fantastic admins i.e.Cyrus no favouritism...