Search results

  1. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    Suggestion Title: Police Broadcast improvements Suggestion Description: The /pbc command is often overlooked as it's just another clutter of space in the chat area. It would be great to somehow separate it, so it's more usable in the context of Collisions on the road. One way would be to make...
  2. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Medics see the injury type

    Suggestion Title: Medics see the injury type Suggestion Description: Medics whilst using the first aid kit should see injury type, such as "GSW", "Stab", "Blunt-force", "Fracture" etc. This is so they can inform officers of the wound they healed, which will also better align the current rule...
  3. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Delay when jumping and armed

    Suggestion Title: Delay when jumping and armed Suggestion Description: I suggest we add a delay between multiple jumps to prevent bunny hopping when armed. The delay should be based on how fast @Shokron can jump irl: Why only when armed? So...
  4. Tilin

    Rule Suggestion (Definition: Raid)

    Suggestion Topic: Other Suggestion Description: Raiding definition should receive a clearer definition on what is considered a raid in progress. Current Definition: Trespassing on an occupied property with the intention of stealing from it or its occupants or killing the players inside. It...
  5. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Hunter job for the forest

    Suggestion Title: Hunter job for the forest Suggestion Description: Hunting job, which would allow you to hunt animals. Essentially you would get a list of animals that need to be hunted (deers, turkey, bears*). You complete that list and get paid X amount of money. Additionally the meat from...
  6. Tilin

    Bug Report (21:9 resolution phone scaling)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: 21:9 resolution phone scaling How to reproduce the Bug: Own a 21:9 monitor. It's not a bug as in it would be game breaking, but you cannot press most buttons when your phone is up. Incredible annoying if you're getting called whilst in inventory or...
  7. Tilin

    BEST AI Covers

    and obviously Post other good AI covers
  8. Tilin

    Bug Report (Custom license plate consumed by Chop Shop Mission)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Custom license plate consumed by Chop Shop Mission How to reproduce the Bug: Get custom license plate, do not assign it to a car Go into chop shop mission. p.s. I would kindly like my LP back :) Time Stamp: 2024/02/09 13:45 GMT+0 Media...
  9. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Money sink: Add boats!

    Suggestion Title: Money sink: Add boats! Suggestion Description: Whilst not incredibly useful, it would be a very good money sink... You could flex your boat on the beach and use it for fishing. Additionally it could boost your fishing by automatically collecting stuff from the fishing rods...
  10. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Make the Traffic cones light up, limit them to 5

    Suggestion Title: Make the Traffic cones light up, limit them to 5 Suggestion Description: The regular and traffic cone don't look all that different and really serve no purpose. Giving the traffic cone the ability to be lit up, will increase visibility (View attached gif) Why should this be...
  11. Tilin

    YouTube is slowing down its performance if you use AdBlock

    As the title says. YouTube introduced artificial latency for users who use AdBlock during a New Year's update. Some of you may have noticed this and it's pretty annoying. YouTube did respond to a thread of a user who reported this latency and they simply responded with "Turn off AdBlock"...
  12. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Training area: Give trainers noclip + tools for host

    Suggestion Title: Training area: Give trainers noclip + tools for host Suggestion Description: Give trainers and the session host the ability to use noclip. Allow the session host a certain set of tools (color, spawn a preset of items necessary for the scenarios). Additionally allow the host to...
  13. Tilin

    Bug Report (Disappearing callsigns)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Disappearing callsigns How to reproduce the Bug: Go on duty Gear up as TFU Callsigns gone Time Stamp: Doesn't matter Errors: On the image Media:
  14. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Sync with on demotion

    Suggestion Title: Sync with on demotion Suggestion Description: Sync with on demotion to avoid people that just got suspended from going back on duty after 30min Why should this be added?: - Because it's annoying  What negatives could this have?: - Literally none ...
  15. Tilin

    Map Suggestion More breakdown zones on the highway

    Suggestion Title: More breakdown zones on the highway Suggestion Description: As the title describes. More breakdown zones, that can be used for all kinds of purposes. Why should this be added?: - You can actually not drive the entire highway behind a mini cooper before pulling them over...
  16. Tilin

    Bug Report (Can not exit Rogue's magazine when using UW monitor)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Can not exit Rogue's magazine when using UW monitor How to reproduce the Bug: Just use Ultra Wide screen (2560x1080) Time Stamp: Doesn't matter Errors: On the image Media:
  17. Tilin

    Paintball: Why or why not?

    Hi, I've previously posted about Paintball. The ones, still playing, we know it's not a popular sport. So what's the reason for people not wanting to play or why you do. I work at 2 fields/clubs and I'm genuinely interested in feedback, why it's so hard to find new team-mates. Thanks.
  18. Tilin

    Server Suggestion /showid command

    Suggestion Title: /showid command Suggestion Description: Add a /showid command that will esentially just do /me shows ID /desc The ID says: Name Surname Additionally, if you wish to display a false one you can do /showid <string>. Why should this be added?: - So I don't have to explain to...
  19. Tilin


    Hi guys, just wanted to see if there's anyone else in the community who plays Paintball. If yes. Do you have your own equipment? What markers do you own? What type of paintball do you enjoy most? Shit vid from 3 weeks ago. Speedball amateur tournament:
  20. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Assign yourself to the latest incident via shorcut

    Suggestion Title: Assign yourself to the latest incident via shorcut Suggestion Description: As the title says. A button to assign yourself to an incident or to un-assign yourself from the current one. After all.. officers spent most of their time in cars and it's hard to accept an incident if...
  21. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Disable 911 Call (Voice) option if all CPLs+ are unavailable/busy

    Suggestion Title: Disable 911 Call (Voice) option if all CPLs+ are unavailable/busy Suggestion Description: As the title says. The calls are rarely beneficial as the person dealing with it is generally a supervisor or a CPL who are the ones responsible for dealing with the most important...
  22. Tilin


    Going through the bans (and warnings) and seeing the work @Ellie has been doing for the community, I can't not post this. Incredible activity and overall a good staff member, who can take a joke, even when it's directed at her. Always friendly and willing to actually listen, even when you are...
  23. Tilin

    Ban Statistics

    Brought to you by the Vault of Memes Got a bit bored at work, so I pulled all the data from the bans API that I could get STAFF MEMBER BANS STATS (TOP 15) Admin Name Number of bans Average Ban Duration (Days) Permanent Bans Most common rule ellie 778 40 32 2,5 SamSN 775 36 59...
  24. Tilin

    [HELP] HyperX Cloud Mix, can't use microphone whilst wireless (Bluetooth)

    Does anyone have any experience with Bluetooth wireless headphones.. I can't use my microphone and stereo audio at the same time. Is this just a thing with bluetooth or? I just bought a HyperX Cloud Mix I can though, at the same time use Hands-free AG audio, but that sounds quality is shiet
  25. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Punishments for Officers within PLPD

    Suggestion Title: Punishments for Officers within PLPD Suggestion Description: Currently a supervisor ranked Sergeant can hand out the following: - Notes (Which aren't really described by policy) - Reprimands - Suspensions (Forwarding the case to IA) Right now, after speaking to multiple...
  26. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Remote explosives expode when you hang up

    Suggestion Title: Remote explosives expode when you hang up Suggestion Description: Remote explosives should explode once you hang up the phone call or have a setting to do so. This would act as a deadman's trigger. Could be useful, as right now we only have had an option to roleplay or...
  27. Tilin

    Map Suggestion Add shoulders to highway

    Suggestion Title: Add shoulders to highway Suggestion Description: As the title says. Add shoulders to the highway, where it is possible to do so. Why should this be added?: Would be useful as it would increase the size of the road, making police duties more interesting, would allow traffic...
  28. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (Super_)

    Punishment Type: Warning Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: Super_ How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable Your Steam Name: Tilin Your Roleplay Name: Edward Field Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:73632724 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.30 |...
  29. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Remove taser whitelist

    Brief description of idea: Remove the taser whitelist What benefits would this idea have for the department: - No more silly training sessions - Everyone gets the taser - The taser's usage is literally similar to the batton's. What potential negatives could this have for the department: -...