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  1. Adrish

    perp clips 4

    The rule 3.3 watching Husky's montage like
  2. Adrish

    Olsen Band3n Organisation Giveaway

    @GringoHead well arent you a cheeky little possum (australian, big c b style)
  3. Adrish

    Olsen Band3n Organisation Giveaway

    @Husky Dude. Me @GringoHead and @MachineGunO will protect her. We are the White Knights of Legion.
  4. Adrish


    Yeah wasn't nice when Joseph Goebbels was giving a speech but got kicked with the reason "Timed Out - L1NK"
  5. Adrish


    Dude, you literally wash your hands every 15 mins James, you're a literal hygiene freak. You were wearing face masks and gloves way before Corona times
  6. Adrish

    Happy Birthday you vaperhead

    Happy Birthday you vaperhead
  7. Adrish

    Got banned by Anti Cheat Client for "attempting to cheat"

    Denied @Fredy @Madda
  8. Adrish

    Exactly, thats why we couldn't find her, BECAUSE SHE IS ME

    Exactly, thats why we couldn't find her, BECAUSE SHE IS ME
  9. Adrish

    it's a selfie of me! that me in the picture, i'm cute af. I'm just hoping i'm at least 18 in...

    it's a selfie of me! that me in the picture, i'm cute af. I'm just hoping i'm at least 18 in that picture I took
  10. Adrish

    because I went to norway on my private jet, remember??

    because I went to norway on my private jet, remember??
  11. Adrish


  12. Adrish

    happy birthday mario, tell benny to stop getting a buzzcut

    happy birthday mario, tell benny to stop getting a buzzcut
  13. Adrish

    @Super_ unban this guy right now, he's so depressed he's gone back to fortnite

    @Super_ unban this guy right now, he's so depressed he's gone back to fortnite
  14. Adrish

    fortnite still a thing? bro im just waiting for the next concert so you can stream it

    fortnite still a thing? bro im just waiting for the next concert so you can stream it
  15. Adrish

    Alex duns - rdm 19/06/2020

    While it's true I dealt with the report, I stated quite clearly that 'from what I had gathered, no rules were broken' and I said to Greeny that if he can provide further evidence to show otherwise he should make an AR. This doesn't mean that it has been handled. I had no access to logs, so the...
  16. Adrish

    [IMG] Collier making suggestions

    Collier making suggestions
  17. Adrish

    Garry's Mod keeps syncing for a very long time

    Hey hotdog 6, thanks for making this This is currently an issue that many people deal with at the moment. The only thing I could do is wait it out. But something you could do is deactivate steam cloud synchronisation. Right click GMOD and go to Properties and untick Enable Steam Cloud...
  18. Adrish

    Community Manager Selection

    bring back Jordan too
  19. Adrish

    AR on MachineGunO

    @bobo Yeah, i'll speak with Collier and we'll define it
  20. Adrish

    AR on MachineGunO

    It's very situational, but like I said I spoke with @SpaceShots he said civilian arrests are allowed. But I will get some context from themselves and I'll come back to you with some information from SA and try and clarify how civil arrest should work on perp since it's a very light topic.
  21. Adrish

    AR on MachineGunO

    * FOR WHOEVER DEALS WITH IT * Dealt with this in-game, I even asked @SpaceShots about the whole civil arrest thing because even I was a bit iffy about it, however it is allowed. You guys dealt with this in the gulag with @Kenty where you broke 3.4 and even apologised for it. I don't think this...
  22. Adrish

    it's wraps went to got wrapped too quick

    it's wraps went to got wrapped too quick
  23. Adrish

    Hey, you want to like maybe if you were available and wanted to we could probably play minecraft...

    Hey, you want to like maybe if you were available and wanted to we could probably play minecraft but only if you wanted to
  24. Adrish

    A bittersweet goodbye

    Known you for a long time AyJay, got me my first suit, don't know why you let me get a ridiculous red colour but you've always been someone I can come to for any sort of advice and have always been very helpful. It's very sad and upsetting to now hearing what you were going through, I hope you...
  25. Adrish

    What does this even mean

    What does this even mean
  26. Adrish

    Go back to the old system of apologies

    I don't see what your problem is. The new approach taken by SA is a lot more productive and actually non-biased. From @Husky's unban (and I don't know why you hate him so much, maybe because he was a bit toxic to nutrient) I can tell you many staff members were consulted. And as far as I'm...
  27. Adrish


  28. Adrish

    Opinions about acceptable Rival Organisation actions

    Not necessarily, could get some kind of protection like @Super_ did, and how @Palodhi didn't. If you're part of the organisation, you take on the risks of being a part of any thing that comes with it. Some sort of restriction should be placed like molotovs burning all their items etc which would...
  29. Adrish

    What would you do if you were Senior Admin?

    Here it is, another post about the way the community is going. I just wanted to ask people the things you would do if you were Senior Admin (not head admin, because I doubt Bolli would stop gracing us with his presence). What things would you push forward, why and why do you think it would be...
  30. Adrish

    epic games?

    Closed - Solved