Opinions about acceptable Rival Organisation actions

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Hi everyone!

Today there were a few scenarios that have happened that caused a big discussion between a few players. A few players in an organisation mugged a rival organisation member. In retaliation, the mugged organisation wanted to Molotov the mugger organisation their base with players in there that had nothing to do with the mugging. This is very tough to decide if it is breaking rule 2.5 or not and I understand both sides of the story. The mugged ones want to retaliate big, they are rivals, but the mugger org has people in the base that didn't do anything and don't want to have to worry about losing their items because of someone else their actions. Then again, you chose to join this organisation so you will face consequences that were not orginally your fault.

I am wondering what the community thinks is acceptable to do against Rival Organisations after actions such as mugging, raiding, killing, talking mad shit etc etc. Obviously rule 2.5 comes into play here and it is a very controversial topic. This rival organisation stuff is pretty new and it still has a lot of questions with it. Please also consider actions that affect the entire organisation that gets attacked.

Should there be a rule dedicated to Rival Organisations?

Here comes my opinion,

Rival Organisations should be able to do a lot more against eachother what normally wouldn't be acceptable, after all, you have to accept a rivalry. This was already said in the organisation update thread. However, there should definitely be some exceptions. In my opinion, mollying an entire base is a bit excessive if it isn't confirmed everyone inside there was involved with the actions taken. But then again, the players that did do it, are also inside and on top of that, they are rivals. It is very controversial and I understand both sides of the story.

I would love to hear your opinions.

@jjjackier @JBirksy had some good valid points. Please share!

edit1: i repeated myself a bit, sorry i noticed too late ill just leave it in
**MY Opinion**
Honestly, I think this is fair.
If a rival organisation member decided to mug someone in your organisation and you have evidence of them being in that building, Give that organisation chances to send that person out. If they fail to do so, Raid, bomb, Molotov, etc until they do or you manage to kill them.

What's Your opinion @Synatec
The rival system should be active, not passive. Accepting a rival but then crying that they molotoved your base while you were peacefully growing should not be the case.
If people do not want this to happen then they should avoid being rivals with other orgs. The alternative which I think is the best case here, would be for orgs to have rivalries short lived. Attack each other however you want for a few days and then stop so you can both recover. Obviously this would be for the orgs to decide, some bigger orgs might want a more permanent rivarly between them.

stop ignoring me on steam
No one was crying, it was just discussed.

I agree, they can molotov it but then again, not everyone has a say in their orgs rivals, if they have built Punto's Emporium inside their base and then it gets mollied, I can understand their frustration
If you're in an org with rivals then you shoulf expect to be wrapped up in situations you yourself had nothing to do with. Accepting org rivalry should come with added risk to all members.
Giving chances as in warning? Similar to mayor assassinations? I like that idea.
Not necessarily, could get some kind of protection like @Super_ did, and how @Palodhi didn't. If you're part of the organisation, you take on the risks of being a part of any thing that comes with it. Some sort of restriction should be placed like molotovs burning all their items etc which would be excessive.

However, if anything does happen their org can retaliate as long as its all role played properly.
Not implying that anyone was crying in this situation, just giving an example.
I do however think that one org should only deal a great amount of damage to the other org instead of the individuals within the org.
If an enemy org is basing on subs 3 with all the windows blocked and lots of cars, feel free to attack them however you want [in this case throwing a molotov inside with the intent to cause that much damage should only be used as revenge for something, 2.5 should still apply up to a point (feel free to throw it outside though if you want a drive by, that way it won't destroy that many props and it would still be fun)].
If you see an individual from an enemy organisation alone, inside his house with proper furniture just sitting there peacefully, raid him, mug him but don't over do it, it would be 2.5.
Did all of this make any sense? That is for you to decideeeeeeeee.
If you do something against a rival organisation you should expect retaliation, and since you affiliate yourself with your org it shouldn’t matter which person in the org is the one who receives that retaliation. Players in orgs should be grouped and treated as if it is one entity as opposed to just the individuals.
Being rivals is essentially a permanent act of war and follows implications that your org and your rivals have conflicting interests and are competing against you to be the biggest organisation. As such, territory control, Rivalry in operations (Growing drugs, etc.) Should be met with hostility and intervention in the best interest of your organisation against theirs.

Realistically, lets go over why certain organisations, gangs and businesses would be rivals:
Rivalries in the drugs trade is commonplace everywhere where theirs drugs. Realistically, the goal for a typical drug dealer would be to get all the addicts and recreational drug users buying from them and them only. Due to drugs typically being very illegal, it is hard to manufacture "Good quality" drugs, like pure cocaine, Quality weed, etc. Quality wouldn't matter. The goal of a drug dealer isn't necessarily to supply a better quality product to their buyers, but to sell the most of it. Most drug users wouldn't give a fuck about the quality of their drugs, as demonstrated by the dodgy xans, MDMA, and "Fake weed" Epidemics that struck the UK. The more shit they sell, the more money they have, and the less incriminating evidence against them their is in the event of a raid. Having multiple people dealing drugs in your area means your product could sit around a bit longer. For drugs like cannabis and mushrooms, this could be problematic as it would start to stale up. On top of this, if they get raided, the police would find more drugs.

As a drugs supplier (which most people are on PERP because no one buys drugs off people), A large portion of your monopoly would be as a direct result of you being the only place in miles where street dealers can get their supply. If multiple drug suppliers are operating near you, this makes the market more competitive and could lead to your product being sat out longer, same deal as a street dealer would face, but at a MUCH larger scale.

This is the sole reason why serious RP servers like this one allow raiding. Sure, you might not consider it realistic to blow down someones door and shoot at them, but it actually happens IRL, usually to a lesser exaggerated extent on how it does on PERP unless you take mexico and certain urban areas in the United States into account.
Gangs run extortion businesses alongside drugs, offering "Protection" to local businesses from crime, Businesses who fail to pay the protection fees would become targeted by those gangs. This is called "Racketeering". This is also something that does not work at all if gangs are operating in the same area, as the people who are paying for "Protection" Would probably not be paying 2 gangs in the event of a clash happening, as gangs would target rival protected businesses to illegitimise their activities.

Gangs make money through threat of violence and peddling illegal goods. The reason they make this money is because them, and only them, are the real threat in a racketeering operation.

Gangs should be competitive as lets face it, Paralake isn't big enough for all of us and our ideal gang operations, so we should all be constantly fighting.​