Search results

  1. Pestam

    RR Antonio Accardo

    Your in-game name: Antonio Accardo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62530650 What do you need refunded:My M1911 + Full Mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Accepted AR, 5.1 Evidence: Tick: N/A
  2. Pestam

    Change how the AFK system works

    I don't understand why when I'm the only person on every weekend late at night i cant just afk and take 33 minute naps instead of fishing
  3. Pestam

    Delay when driving cars

  4. Pestam

    Delay when driving cars

    I have vsync off, I have great fps, windowed fullscreen and fullscreen don't change anything, plz help lol
  5. Pestam

    Delay when driving cars

    It's not input lag, I have pretty good gaming peripherals, and I have wired gigabit internet. I just hate having to anticipate turns like way before I should have to.
  6. Pestam

    Delay when driving cars

    I've always had this issue and never thought to address it until now. I'm from the US, and get a steady 100-110 ping all the time. Since cars drive serverside (i think), i get about a 1/4 second delay before my car turns, brakes, or accelerates. I thought this was just my location until Paul...
  7. Pestam

    AR on Declan Daly

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pestam/Antonio Accardo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Declan Daly His/Her SteamID: I don't have it (He left server soon after) Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player mugged me in the beach mid-day, a place considered public. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A (Will...
  8. Pestam

    PERP Live

    I'm just trying to have some fun, and entertain people who aren't online, can't get a slot, are banned, or want to join the server. In addition to breaking rules that almost EVERYONE on the server breaks (but no one sees) I helped someone who found my stream join Perpheads for the first time and...
  9. Pestam

    PERP Live

    I'm live streaming PERP at
  10. Pestam

    USB Desktop Mic

    I have a snowball, good microphone, wood recommend
  11. Pestam

    i came back for 1 day haha

    i came back for 1 day haha
  12. Pestam

    Post ur best clip on perpheads here. Use any of my vids just link me in the description
  13. Pestam


    After almost 1,000 hours in gmod and over 3 weeks in PERP, it's time for it to come to an end. I've been part of this community for over a year now and have met so many great people. Pretty much everyone I've met in this community has been great and very friendly to me. So you might ask, why are...
  14. Pestam

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    Vote me for wor... I mean best police roleplay
  15. Pestam

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    I was tempted to vote myself for all of them even the best staff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  16. Pestam

    Perpheads Gameplay #6

    @McYeke @Chase @Bean Can @Photon @Samsterminator @Stomper @TinySlayer
  17. Pestam

    Trump or Clinton?

    Ken Bone
  18. Pestam

    Garret, Cole, Shadowjoey, Chase, and Racxes

    At the end of September this year my Senior Officer application got accepted and I became a part of the PLPD. After just over a month I've reached the rank of Corporal and met many great members of the PLPD. I wanted to give a couple of shoutouts to some of the members who really stood out, and...
  19. Pestam

    New Police Shotgun - The Suggestion

    -SUPPORT I have to disagree with this idea. Although anyone who is a corporal+ can agree that the remington is not a great gun, it does what it needs to do. The shotgun should mainly be used for things like felony stops, raids, and anything else at close range. If the combination of your shotgun...
  20. Pestam

    04-11-2016 Small update log

    I like the queue server as it makes it more fair to sweaters trying to join at peak time. I wish that you could find it in the same gamemode folder thing instead of joining through console though so you can see how long the queue is as well. I think that some sort of giant FFA in Paralake would...
  21. Pestam

    Perpheads Gameplay #5

    @Racxes @Cudder @GamingPeach @Rafxl_ @Adrish @mage @Gwanny @chickenrappa This video is blocked in Germany due to a copyright claim
  22. Pestam

    Textures spazzing/crashing

    Unsubscribe from all workshop items besides the perpheads packs and paralake v3 map. Then try reinstalling your game
  23. Pestam

    Textures spazzing/crashing

    Try verifying your game files
  24. Pestam

    Perpheads Gamplay

    I subscribed my youtube channel is Keemstar
  25. Pestam

    Halloween Update: 30/10/2016

    Please make org chat hold out ur phone
  26. Pestam

    How To: Get Ambushed by the whole Police Department and survive [Gone Sexual] [Gone Wrong]
  27. Pestam

    How To: Get Ambushed by the whole Police Department and survive [Gone Sexual] [Gone Wrong]

    You were wanted for murder, so I decided to search through all the properties and you owned the shop. Then I assembled 2 SO's 2 CPL's and 4 SWAT to get in 2 Crown Vics, and we breached in. Then you weren't there, and we noticed there was 2 mins left on the drugs so I told everyone to be quiet...