Search results

  1. Pestam

    RR Antonio Accardo

    Your in-game name: Antonio Accardo Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62530650 What do you need refunded:My M1911 + Full Mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Accepted AR, 5.1 Evidence: Tick: N/A
  2. Pestam

    Delay when driving cars

    I've always had this issue and never thought to address it until now. I'm from the US, and get a steady 100-110 ping all the time. Since cars drive serverside (i think), i get about a 1/4 second delay before my car turns, brakes, or accelerates. I thought this was just my location until Paul...
  3. Pestam

    AR on Declan Daly

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pestam/Antonio Accardo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Declan Daly His/Her SteamID: I don't have it (He left server soon after) Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player mugged me in the beach mid-day, a place considered public. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: N/A (Will...
  4. Pestam

    PERP Live

    I'm live streaming PERP at
  5. Pestam


    After almost 1,000 hours in gmod and over 3 weeks in PERP, it's time for it to come to an end. I've been part of this community for over a year now and have met so many great people. Pretty much everyone I've met in this community has been great and very friendly to me. So you might ask, why are...
  6. Pestam

    Perpheads Gameplay #6

    @McYeke @Chase @Bean Can @Photon @Samsterminator @Stomper @TinySlayer
  7. Pestam

    Garret, Cole, Shadowjoey, Chase, and Racxes

    At the end of September this year my Senior Officer application got accepted and I became a part of the PLPD. After just over a month I've reached the rank of Corporal and met many great members of the PLPD. I wanted to give a couple of shoutouts to some of the members who really stood out, and...
  8. Pestam

    Perpheads Gameplay #5

    @Racxes @Cudder @GamingPeach @Rafxl_ @Adrish @mage @Gwanny @chickenrappa This video is blocked in Germany due to a copyright claim
  9. Pestam

    12.14 Description of Road Signs

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change What law do you wish to change: Why should this change be made: There is currently no law stating that you may not park in a handicap space. What is the aim of this change: This would add more RP and allow for handicapped permits to be...
  10. Pestam

    Perpheads Gameplay #4

    @LordTyla @Stomper @-Arun- @Venomine @Jeremy Clarkson @Silence @Cole @Samuel @Sagittarius/That Guy @John Doe @Tom Hill @LiquifiedCactus
  11. Pestam

    AR Cody Garrett

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pestam / Antonio Accardo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (10*0)sku / Cody Garrett His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67509498 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Evidence: Demo:!HhtQnZza!SzUrGQyWM0MPiLPWysu6ji-CR4VE-mInpiQIkIgzThk
  12. Pestam

    "Regals Raid" | Perpheads Gameplay #3

    @Rafxl_ @Garret_Pp @Brinch @Madda @Jeremy Clarkson @Racxes (Sorry if I forgot you)
  13. Pestam

    AR Bobbie Ross

    Please Close, I was sent logs of the situation and this was a misunderstanding
  14. Pestam

    "Regals Bomb" | Perpheads Gameplay #2

    @Photon @Slayerduck @|PH|Lj @Samsterminator (Sorry if I forgot you)
  15. Pestam

    "Suburbs Spray Down" | Perpheads Gameplay #1

    @Garret_Pp @Jeremey Clarkson @Fells @Boon
  16. Pestam

    Gmod Keeps Crashing

    While playing PERP over the last year, I've probably crashed only 2 times. Now since yesterday, I've crashed over 15 times. I've lost over 30k worth of drugs and other stuff. I've wasted hours trying to get slots and cop slots. I've tried everything, verifying game cache, reinstalling...
  17. Pestam

    Top 3 Moments of September 2016

    If you saw my post last week, I was planning on making a monthly series with the best moments in PERPHeads. I am looking for clips mainly consisting of impressive raids, defenses, and chases. The clip should be somewhere between 30 seconds to 2 minutes. If you want to enter for a chance to be in...
  18. Pestam

    Best Moments of the Month

    Yesterday I made a post about trying to make PERPHeads tutorial videos. While I was thinking about video ideas I had an idea of a series I could make. It would be a monthly video that showcased the top 5 or 10 moments in PERP. I feel like it would be cool to have some of the best moments of PERP...
  19. Pestam

    Name Change

    I was wondering how I would get a name change for my forum name. I asked around and got no answers, thanks in advance.
  20. Pestam

    Tutorial Video

    Hey, as some of you may know I make youtube videos and stream a bit. If you look around on youtube, you can't really find any good, up to date tutorials on how to play PERPHeads. I was thinking about starting a series (like maybe 3 videos) to explain to new players how to play the game, how to...
  21. Pestam

    Perpheads Stream

    I'm streaming live right now! Go check it out!
  22. Pestam

    PLPD at it's finest

  23. Pestam

    Various Licenses

    Topic: Add various licenses in game Short explanation (in notes): - Not having the license to do what you are doing is against the law - You would have to renew the licenses for in game money - Traffic stops would be more realistic if you had to have an up to date license Detailed description...
  24. Pestam


    I was just wondering how to server works with drugs when you disconnect, the server crashed, or if you get kicked/banned. Just what you get back, and does it depend on how much time until they are done?
  25. Pestam

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: pastamaniac / Steven Bills His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Seg / Gino Vice His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49946071 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Me and my buddy were mugging him, and he decided it would be a good idea to leave the server instead of dropping his items. A...