Search results

  1. Runescape Trailer (profsnal)

    Hey guys Throughout my life I've played Runescape, a rough time has been here, but I have always wanted to create my own videos, so finally now I decided to create one! It has some music bugs and a few lags, I just recently fixed my fps though. Hope you like it! PS I ain't sure if this is...
  2. Civilian First Aids

    Topic: Civilian First aid Short explanation: - Any user is able to go for an exam test to learn what first aid performing actually is. - Any user is able to perform first aid on someone if nesseceary. Detailed description: I believe it should be added, due to the decent amount of people...
  3. Inactive, cya!

    Ey Perpheaded players! As you might have noticed, I haven't been active ingame after around 19th December. My reasoning is due to have been playing a little too much, and finally when we have Christmas, I get down on 8 fps. Now I'm not complaining over you having a way too large gamemode, I'm...
  4. Warning request for Félix

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tut/Tut Jankins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Félix/Joao Felix His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59483846 Reason: 1.1 - Disrespectful towards a man who broke several rules including 3.4 (Joao stated that!) I was paramedic, and I did see the killer and victim etc, however, I did...
  5. What Music do You listen at right now?

    The title says itself, here you can post a youtube video of what music you are listening at! Rules for posting here: Only 1 post per user on every page. Spoilers are allowed, in order to post multiple songs, however, only 1 post remains as a rule. Only post music related videos, no other...
  6. Alchohol O'Meter

    Topic: Alchohol O'Meter Short explanation - Small breathing tool, like defrilliator (paramedic tool), however it is worn by LEO's. - Counts the ammount of alcohol in target's body. - Tells the officer, how big a fine or eventually arrest, the target will get. Detailed description (why should...
  7. Gun Caskets

    Topic: Gun Caskets Short explanation - The casket works like a bag, to put people's riffles or other guns in cover. - It can be storaged in inventory and storage, both empty and full. - You can put a lock on the casket, to ensure not even thieves finds it simple to open it. Detailed...
  8. Tut's Inactivity notice

    Heyo guys, I've made the decision to move back to some other games and other GMOD servers however, I will still be around in-game, as well as plenty of time on the forums! Reason; It's about time to make dat christmas presents to my family, and I'm mostly tired when I'm home from my school...
  9. Farm Harvester Job

    Topic: Farm Job Short explanation (in notes): - Drives from Farm to the field and harvests it with his little Tractor with its' cart. - Goes back to farm and deposits in the big tanks. - Drives from Farm to the field and plants new seeds. ' ' Detailed description (why should it become...
  10. Garbage Picker

    Topic: Garbage Picker Short explanation (in notes): - Picks garbage from industry buildings and houses. - Adds an additional job for people with bad grades. - Brings more RP's to the server and being 24/7 job. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think it should be added...
  11. Gary Belinsky Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tut/Tut Jankins His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3W/Gary Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61617207 Reason: Sort of RDM. I particulary had lights and siren on but not having any clue who we were chasing or pulling over until I saw the Escalade. They did not see that it was...
  12. White Screens and errors

    Hey guys I just wanted to ask if any of you has gotten white or black-screens the past few weeks saying 'NVIDIA' errors etc.. I just got one during a police chase when I was in a blue beetle, and I heard people saying ,,You killed a lot of people," ,,Lol" etc and I therefor thought about if...
  13. Tut's Introduction

    Hellos guys and girls! I've joined PerpHeads about 2-3 days ago, but first now I attempted on making an forum account. I will be properly active on the forums and server, you will mostly find me playing as a Goverment or playing together with my brother, Barney Barneyson! I've just donated for...