1.2 explained and a guide on how to follow it.

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Hello guys, Pepehand moderator and reformed ex n word in roleplay user here! Here to tell you how not to break 1.2! I'll be explaining each paragraph in detail here for you guys!

1.2 Discrimination​

"Any form of discrimination is not tolerated in an out-of-character context."

Basically just means don't be racist or discriminatory towards Races, Genders, Gender Identity, Sexual orientation, Disability, etc. This was always a rule here.

Racism and homophobia are not tolerated in-character.
Self explanatory. Users cannot use Anti gay or racial slurs in character, this includes the N word but with an A instead of "ER" At the end!.

Other forms of discrimination, whereas discouraged, are allowed in-character and are subject to the discretion of the players involved.
You may make certain discriminatory comments in character and call people words like "Retard" But if someone's offended by it, they can state so and you Must immediately stop and apologise in LOOC.

If a player is uncomfortable with the use of discriminatory language, they may request it to stop in LOOC chat or a report. All players involved must respect this.
As explained above, words that heavily offend people should not be used.

"Additionally, players may not knowingly use details of another player’s personal life or identity to discriminate against them."

Examples of this include:
You approach a user you are aware is from Israel, And begin making anti-Semitic remarks to them.
You find a Girl / Woman Playing perp!!!11111111 So you follow them around calling them a slag, whore, slut, etc. Completely unprovoked. Since you know or have a reason to believe they are a woman IRL, you're using this info against them to abuse them.
You find out a player is a Homosexual in real life, so you use slurs against homosexual individuals when speaking to them.
You find out someone is Autistic in real life so you refer to them as words like "Autist", or "Retard".
Under most circumstances its incredibly unlikely we will accept ignorance of that persons real life traits, gender, etc. as a valid excuse for what appears to be targeted discriminatory "Role Play".

When making discriminatory comments, remarks, etc. In text chat, we have written proof of this and would be able to find out you've done so in an instant. All we'd have to do is type the slur used in chat logs and it'd come up with every instance of it ever being said.

Just because its a game and you're "Roleplaying" doesn't mean that anything you said can't be reported to authorities and results in action being taken against you. An example of this is in the United Kingdom, The Malicious communications act reads as such:
The MCA makes it an offence to send any kind of written, verbal or electronic communication that conveys a message that:

  • is indecent or grossly offensive;
  • makes a threat; or
  • contains information that is false and known or believed to be false by the sender.
In order for the offence to be made out, the defendant must have intended to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient or any other person that he or she intends that the information should be communicated to.
Now, If you read the actual act, you wont see "Exceptions include if you're roleplaying on a video game". Someone can take what you've said and file a complaint, meaning that either us staff members, senior management, or in what could be seen as an unlikely scenario, someone could file a report to authorities, The latter is an extreme case, however could still very well happen.

Another issue is, it'd take most likely 1 person to gather a few clips and screenshots of people playing discriminatively and suddenly a tabloid has a scoop to demonize us and other servers. This could draw in new players as "fReE aDvErTiSiNg" as people say "No press is bad press" However we could wind up with the WRONG Kind of playerbase influx, where we attract both genuinely racist and hateful people, or people who think such conduct is comedy gold, resulting in our community becoming a haven for such people, which would just give us MORE bad press.

Also, You don't know someone's life, who they are, what they've been through, what they've seen or done, etc. You could be "Harmlessly" abusing people "in character" for "Banter" But the person you've given the abuse to might be disgusted, distressed, and generally put off of coming back. Word of mouth is our biggest friend here when it comes to getting more players to join our community and it'd just take one person openly accusing us of allowing targeted discrimination for that shit to spread and put people off joining us. But even bigger so, is you're hurting people and possibly causing emotional distress.

Tl;Dr: Don't be a dick.
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I highly disagree with us not being allowed calling someone a whore or slag because they’re a female, this is where the rule doesn’t make sense... if someone calls me something like that several times I will start reporting them.
This is why I feel like the old system was better, there are so many different non-major things you can say that can technically count as discrimination, and it's dumb to ban it all.

Do I have to stop saying bastard because someone who heard me decided that they don't like it and it's technically derogatory towards people who were born out of wedlock?
Do I have to stop referring to people who are only active as police officers cop mains because one random police officer decided that they don't like the term?

IMO just ban racism and homophobia outright, and leave everything else how it was before
Because the most girls who come on are getting called shit for their gender? Just like ever 12 year old kid here gets bullied for their voice and age. Just like every cop main gets bullied for always being a cop? Just like every person who passively roleplay gets called a retard, pussy, autist and stuff for doing that? Just like every person who tries to actively have fun on the server and not shoot or grow gets called a minge even though they're not violating the rules?
The server is a fucking toxic cesspool, yes.

The fact something is finally being done about it is a miracle to me.

Not gonna argue over this, but comparing being harassed for your gender to being harassed for playing cop is really stupid.
@John Daymon I know there is more to your reply, but one thing I take issue with is that it almost implies that bullying young children for something they have no control over is somehow acceptable. Obviously, the other things on your list are also bad and shouldn't be happening, but that one strikes me as the worst.
@Efan Why not? I don't get the point of us punishing players for calling someone a slut or something in-game? We're seriously becoming a community that doesn't allow anything but words such as "damn you!" If someone in-game is either arresting me, mugging me, being generally rude of course I'm going to point out stuff that has stuff to do with their character, if they're a squeaker, girl or something like that I'll point it out since that's what my character can hear and see. If you're a girl in-game with a male voice; am I not allowed to call you a transgender? If so; why not... it's what my character can hear and my character has never been the nice guy?

Role-playing is the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.

I do however agree with the banning of racial slurs as that's something entirely different, calling someone the "n-word" should not be allowed (yes I have changed my mind about this) But this whole other mess is just a joke, why don't we just remove voice chat entirely?
@Collier I haven't stated that it should be allowed nor am I saying that I'm okay with people being bullied but what I'm trying to say is that people need to stop looking for stuff to be upset about, I have only ever had one complaint over someone being called a squeaker on this server, why were they bullied? Because they were being toxic, what do people do if a kid is being toxic? Call them a squeaker and move on.

I mean I was myself a squeaker on the server and people kept on calling me a squeaker in-game; did I care? No. Did I get less respect on the server? No and I think players such as @obidan66 can confirm this who was toxic about my voice in-game but showed utmost respect in administrative situations.
@John Daymon I was a bit of a cunt too tho. xD But yeah, I was always trying to be respectful when it came to OOC as long as OOCly I got the same respect back.

A side note here: While I can understand why this rule was made, it also comes with a price... You can no longer realize a lot of interesting RP scenarios, such as running a far-right supremacist gang and such, which in the past have been done.
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Let's be real, a guy with 10 viewers on twitch caused this rule change.

There are 5M severs on GTA that allow the language and streamers still play on them and they don't care, big streamers and big people like Tee grizzley, Adin Live, YBN.

I personally don't mind the language and slurs when in character but there are a few people that just go around screaming the N-word, I don't think perp is big enough or popular enough to bring streamers/content creators to it and I don't understand why we're making it so 'kid' friendly when the basis of the server is to grow drugs, shoot people, etc, the server itself is minimum a 16+ server but we don't stop people from coming on. I feel as if the rules went a bit hard on people and no kinds of jokes can even be made, I can't even make fun out of @Kempotent for being Polish without thinking about 1.2.

It's the internet, after all, a lot of us came from different backgrounds and a lot of us have different views, but I feel as if we're slowly making this server into 'Snowflake Central'. The rule is fine to keep but how does that mix in with staff discretion and the context of how people use the slurs, and other words. I get the rule change and all but for in-character, it's a completely different story and I believe @John Daymon argued it pretty well.

Please explain this to me;
Also, You don't know someone's life, who they are, what they've been through, what they've seen or done, etc. You could be "Harmlessly" abusing people "in character" for "Banter" But the person you've given the abuse to might be disgusted, distressed, and generally put off of coming back. Word of mouth is our biggest friend here when it comes to getting more players to join our community and it'd just take one person openly accusing us of allowing targeted discrimination for that shit to spread and put people off joining us. But even bigger so, is you're hurting people and possibly causing emotional distress.

I don't know anything about someones personal life, what they've been through, what they've seen or done; that's completely right. But if someone comes on a roleplaying server to roleplay and put themselves in positions where players will make fun of them, harass them and stuff; Why do the even bother coming on? You're joining a Garry's Mod community where ROLEPLAYING is the purpose of the server, if you're scared of hearing someone call you gay, transgender, squeaker and stuff you should probably stick to single-player games, games you can avoid voice-chat, games where you can mute others both text chat and or voice.

And seriously the thing I wonder is how do people even find out stuff about each other that they're gay and stuff? Stop sharing your personal information if you're scared of it being used against you? That's literally the internet 101. And if someone is calling you autistic, gay, transgender, faggot and stuff like that why even give them a reaction they want? Just brush it off, laugh about it or just don't reply at all? Sometimes people need to realise that the best way to get away from problems is to just walk away.

One thing I find funny as hell is how someone in the community who held a very serious role here complains about racism and stuff in-game yet he used to go and call people the n-word, faggots, autistic and other derogatory terms.
