1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

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United Kingdom, Devon
Title is basically what it is, I'm leaving perp shortly and I'm giving the majority of my items to friends so why not give a bit back to the community :D (I'll probs return when Nade/Other org members do but for now im outta this b, I'll lurk on the forums.)

How to enter?:
  • Rate the post friendly because hearts look kinda cool
  • Reply with why you want/need it if there isn't a reason just reply with a cancer reply anyway
  • No Olsen members.
  • No close friends (to cut bias :D )
  • No rich and/or well known players (I'll be the decider)
Glhf :~)

I'll pick a winner on CHRISTMAS DAY and will reply on this post with who won :D
I actually want to get first super car like p1,another thing you should stay and play with people you played before.
Because then I would actually be able to afford a good amount of guns. If I were to afford this I would probably raid a lot more but knowing how shit my FPS and Aim is on perp I would die a lot so I would be giving back to the community as well from people picking up or confiscating my guns :D
Tbh I just need a car which goes over 40.

But nah I'm joking don't leave, and don't give your money away, you will regret this if you ever come back.
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Unlike the hobo, you'd meet on the street. I'm not the kind of man who'll spend the money you donate to me on drugs or guns. :)
i need the 1mil to get me to 125 firearms and get my rifle marksmanship up what is left over will then go to buying a new car and i also help out alot of sweatervests (so you know karma)
gif me monies so i can make 1200 m4s like dom and get a better car

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