1 Mil Giveaway. @John Daymon is a faggot

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I'm shit at absolutely everything, get raided every time I base.
I suppose I'm one of the people with the worst luck.
A boost would be nice.
Ngl, I have everything I need. I would probably save the money for a rainy day. Having money to lean on is always important.
You must reconsider giving away your money, as someone said you might regret and come back. Just make sure you know what you're doing bud.. Well I am new around and this would be a huge boost to a new player :)
Good luck with anything your future stands for !
I've just hit 125 firearms so I can be more focused in my goals, and my next goal is to get a McLaren F1. Currently at 1mil, so if I won this I'd be half way there.

Cheers for this, very NON-TOXIC thing to do.
Merry Christmas Mate, I don’t play Perp but nice of you to give these faggots some virtual cash if you are interested in joining my organisation its $200
Need to buy a new car, need to buy some guns and need to craft some stuff like ammo to go to the shooting range to get out of level 10 hell.
I want this money so I can buy cars and guns because i am poor.

Thank you!!!
You must reconsider giving away your money, as someone said you might regret and come back. Just make sure you know what you're doing bud.. Well I am new around and this would be a huge boost to a new player :)
Good luck with anything your future stands for !
15 mil in cars, 4 mil in guns and almost a mil in drugs. I'll be fine thanks :D
I know i wont be picked anyways but worth a try sad that you quit though. and i need cash so i can solo raid with snipers and not give a shit and wreck some people gang gang
Well, mostly cop just trying to get money and all to help out my friends get a car because currently I have a BMW M6 and like two of my friends want one so I would probably help buy one and maybe upgrade my car if any money is left over :)
I need the money to feed my kids and to buy a house we want a normal family not living on the streets and eating trash.
Do it for City!

Nah, give it to someone that needs it. Share it with newer players that are frequently on the server, which will end up being spent on vip and wasted on @Bolli and his CS skins or @MrLewis will chuck it all in a fruity machine.

Big ups for your kindness m'lady

P.S if i was ever to leave, I'd sell everything and then burn the money ( staff would have to remove ofc )
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