11.9 Discharging a Firearm

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change:

11.9 Discharging a Firearm

Any person who discharges their firearm in a public or private property, unless for Self Defence and the Defence of Others (see law 2.1) commits an offence.

Infraction - liable to $2,000 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.

Why should this change be made: If you discharge a weapon for no reason you are not able to use it properly and thus it should get confiscated.

What is the aim of this change: Make it able for LEOs to confiscate firearms that were discharged illegally.
Not a fan of this idea, say someone accidentally shoots their gun, phones the police and tells them about it all to have their gun confiscated. (Don't use the not all officers will do this excuse because it will and could happen).
If some fanny is sitting in his apartment shooting his gun randomly then we should be able to confiscate it. It seems silly that it's not allowed at the moment.
I have already confiscated many firearms due to lads randomly firing for some fun due to the weapon being used unlawfully. I believe if a weapon is used to aid any crime it should be confiscated and the felon fined.

So yes, I'm all for it being in writing.
I tend to go of the basis of "was this weapon used/helped" in committing a crime. Perhaps add "if proven guilty, the weapon is subject confiscation if it is shown to benefit the safety of the public".

In other words if you're shooting the floor/roof in slums then it should be taken as those bullets can go into other properties. However if it was discharged in the air by the farm, the discharge doesn't pose a threat to the public.
I think it should be changed to allow confiscation in cases of "gross neglect of the privledge to own and use a firearm". But please remember that officer, especially newer, believe that it is always necessary to enforce the maximum and for that I believe a lot more guns will be confiscated.


Thank you for your input! This feedback is currently being considered further by the Policing and Policy department.

After this review is complete, the Chiefs of Department will consider the options available such as implementation, community feedback, etc. and you will be informed of any progress here.

Feel free to continue posting your views.


A law suggestion for this have been submitted to the Chiefs of Department for review. Feel free to discuss it and suggest changes

Suggested Law:
11.9 Discharging a Firearm
Any person who discharges a firearm in a public or private property, unless for Self Defence and the Defence of Others (see law 2.1) commits an offence.

Infraction - liable to $3,500 maximum fine and asset forfeiture.​
I had a Colt Anaconda minged from me because I shot at a trespasser running out my door... Lets not give the police more Minge grabbing powers.
Not going to lie, I confiscate firearms a lot when used to discharge illegally. At the point that you use a fire arm illegally, you have proven to me that you can not be trusted to own it and it is then evidence. If it was used in a crime, it is evidence. I think this should be a given.
If the police do not believe you can use a firearm correctly in a public area it should get confiscated because your a danger to the public. Firearms should only be confiscated if the person operating them cannot use them safely.
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