13/07/2020 - Rule Changes

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2.5 Excessive Negativity
- It is now against the rules to "Disrupt or otherwise impede a non profit passive role playing situation, event, etc. Without a good reason."
- Clarified the recent changes of when it is acceptable to shoot a player who has a visible firearm to be specific to players inside of the property being raided
"When participating in raids, players inside of the property being raided that are carrying visible weaponry are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction."

No more mugging in my pasta shop!
2.5 Excessive Negativity
- It is now against the rules to "Disrupt or otherwise impede a non profit passive role playing situation, event, etc. Without a good reason."
What about people who make a restaurant and grow in the back at the same time. Wouldn't they be protected with this? Just an example.
They clearly would be classed as a profit organisation if you grow narcotics. While passive-roleplay shops get income as well, it's not really comparable to those to drugs when all you do is sell $100 pasta and burgers.
Take two on this, what I meant is that other players wouldn't know that someone is growing drugs on the back. The rule wouldn't protect them, theoretically, but players wouldn't know that.
@Daft Punk I guess it's fine as long as they rearm and go patrol somewhere else. They just can't wait close just to rejoin the shootout after the nlr ends
The only change to that rule was the removal of discussions. The wording apart from that remains the same so I don't think you should worry about anything changing or becoming more strict. You would probably only have to worry about a warning for this if you make a suggestion that is obviously a troll one.
So another question, what would you call non-profit passiverp? Crafting weaponry for perpmarket orders?
No Because you are providing weapons for someone’s profit.

Non profit passiveRP refers to player run roleplay situations and events and things like car shows, Public gatherings for leisure purposes, etc.
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