Rule Changes 20/08/2020

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Berlin, Germany

Hi everyone,

The rule changes outlined in this post made by @LEWIS 088 have gone live. For convenience, they will also be included in this post. Additions will be marked green, removals will be marked red, edits will be marked orange.

Rule Changes

  • 2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

When participating in raids, players carrying visible weaponry inside of the property being raided are considered to be significant enough threats to be killed justifiably without prior verbal commands or interaction.

  • 3.5 New Life Rule
When a player has died In Character, and after they have re-spawned, they must wait at least 5 minutes (a countdown is provided) before they may either return to the place where they died and/or interact with the situation. They must also treat their re-spawn as a new life. A system is in place to inform players that they are in breach of this rule, any attempt to bypass this system will not be tolerated. Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life.

While waiting for their NLR timer to run out, players should not wait in the vicinity of their NLR zone and should stay a reasonable distance away.

When a player is given a new life they must forget/may not act upon any and all details of their previous life; this excludes properties and cars that they own, government positions that they hold and any friends or acquaintances that they have/had made.

Players should not use or act upon any information gained from other players which is relevant to their previous death, while their NLR timer is active.

  • 4.4 Roadcrew Workers
Road Crew Workers must at all times remain within the impound lot, unless responding to a call out via the /roadcrew function.
  • 5.7 Organization Relationships
There are certain restrictions in place when it comes to relationships with organisations.

Players with rival relations with another organisation are not permitted to co-operate in any criminal activity with the rival organisation. These activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Assisting one another in raids.
  • Basing with one another.
  • Partaking in illegal activities with one another

These restrictions do not apply to organisations with neutral or allied relationships.
5.7 doesn't quite make sense to me, although I understand why it was added. If perp has essentially become crim rp then surely it shouldn't be restricted who you can or cannot base with because backstabbing etc is a common thing in perp.
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