144hz vs 60hz

144hz is better however if I’m correct you need a stable 144 FPS to actually get the consistent refresh rate.

Due to perps FPS I actually knocked my 144hz to 60 and actually found more consistent mouse movements. Maybe someone like @Creepis can confirm

Don’t buy a 144Hz just for perp, if you play games like CS it’s heavily advised.
My shit is like a 72hz 27 inch curved samsung monitor and its so sexy but everyones also telling me to invest in a better one because apparently my computer is working to provide 240 fps on rainbow at ultra settings and I can’t even see it - @Sossa

Idk maybe I’ll order one today lmk what u think cus i aint just build a $1700 pc to not have my shit look good smh
ye only thing u need is a better monitor rn ur setup is good but ur monitor
what are you some kind of peasant? 240hz god speaking here

My left monitor is 240 hz and my right one is 144hz, but after getting these monitors I can barely tolerate 60hz anymore.
+1 buy a 144hz

when I used 60hz I had bad input lag, switched to 144hz and my mouse movement felt alot more smoother and responsive.
144hz is a big upgrade, if you ever go back to 60hz you will get eye cancer
Get a Benq monitor, reasonably priced and mines been amazing since I've had it, everybody I know recommends it and it is a top pick from most csgo pros.
I have the
BenQ ZOWIE XL2720 27 Inch and it's amazing.
@hero 50 bucks the price difference is because you didn't look at the panel type, color certification and response time.
well 60hz is 'fine', i have to use 30Hz at work. now that shit's gay