2.8 Sexual Role-Play changes

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 2.8 Sexual roleplay
Your version of the rule:

In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts may not be role-played or displayed in a public setting. All players involved must consent to any acts (consent may be given either in character, or out of character). If a player feels uncomfortable about any sexual acts, they may request that they stopped in LOOC, and this sexual role-play must not continue.

It is also not allowed to display pornographic content of any sort on TVs.
Additionally Minors {under the age of 18} may not engage in sexual roleplay

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:because why should 14 13 year olds be allowed to fuck the fuck outa someone in a game its just kinda mad
and also is a bit weird and this would also increase safe guarding for minors
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London, United Kingdom
I think erotic/sexual roleplay should be banned full-stop, so I agree with this regardless but would like to go one step-further. I don't see why people would downvote this.
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It's a nice idea, but this is impossible to enforce.
Anyone can say they're 18+, honestly leave players to do what they want aslong as its in private, if nonces are found out (which they are) it can be punished
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It's a nice idea, but this is impossible to enforce.
Anyone can say they're 18+, honestly leave players to do what they want aslong as its in private, if nonces are found out (which they are) it can be punished
yeah its just a bit concerning that a 18 20 blah blah year old can do a sexual roleplay with someone under 18
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Great Britain
I think erotic/sexual roleplay should be banned full-stop
I can agree with this, but considering solely this suggestion; I don't support it. The rule already states anyone who feels uncomfortable can report a situation and it will be dealt with, I don't see why this extra line should be added. It doesn't really change much and just overcomplicates how the rule would be enforced. Just like anyone, if a minor feels uncomfortable with a situation then they can report it and their age would possibly be considered in the handling of the situation. There is a range of maturity between members in this community and I as an example, being a minor, could give less of a fuck if some guy did some dodgy RP. The rule as it is currently written already protects anyone who does not want to be involved in this roleplay, if a player does not report a situation like this then we as a staff team will have no knowledge of it either way and therefore cannot do anything about it. Instead of adding edges to the rule, it should be kept the same in which the player gets to decide whether they want to be a part of the situation or not.

This doesn't mean to say I like the rule though. I don't.
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I can agree with this, but considering solely this suggestion; I don't support it. The rule already states anyone who feels uncomfortable can report a situation and it will be dealt with, I don't see why this extra line should be added. It doesn't really change much and just overcomplicates how the rule would be enforced. Just like anyone, if a minor feels uncomfortable with a situation then they can report it and their age would possibly be considered in the handling of the situation. There is a range of maturity between members in this community and I as an example, being a minor, could give less of a fuck if some guy did some dodgy RP.

This doesn't mean to say I like the rule though. I don't.
would changing my suggestion to say
Anyone over the age of 18 cannot engage with sexual roleplay with anyone under the age of 18
be better or nah ??
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Genuine question; why are people downvoting this suggestion?
Is it because you think it's unnecessary?
Because you think minors should be allowed to be involved in sexual RP?
Just because it's a suggestion by Aaron Davidson?
Maybe you think it'd just be difficult to enforce?

Regardless of the case, I do believe that it's a matter of fact that it's considered illegal in many places to actually do this stuff with a minor in the first place, which would make it very obvious to also ban it on the server, even if it may be consensual.

Sure, it can be difficult to enforce, but I'd rather have it so that it /can/ be enforced instead of not outright banning something that may be illegal in a large amount of countries.
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Great Britain
would changing my suggestion to say
Anyone over the age of 18 cannot engage with sexual roleplay with anyone under the age of 18
be better or nah ??
Not really, it's just the same suggestion worded differently. I would recommend you change the suggestion to removing the rule outright if that's what you getting at. If not, just leave it as it is.
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I can agree with this, but considering solely this suggestion; I don't support it. The rule already states anyone who feels uncomfortable can report a situation and it will be dealt with, I don't see why this extra line should be added. It doesn't really change much and just overcomplicates how the rule would be enforced. Just like anyone, if a minor feels uncomfortable with a situation then they can report it and their age would possibly be considered in the handling of the situation. There is a range of maturity between members in this community and I as an example, being a minor, could give less of a fuck if some guy did some dodgy RP.

This doesn't mean to say I like the rule though. I don't.
Some of the best RP i've had is with Joe Baggers and his van. I think outright removing it could be bad for roleplay
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Some of the best RP i've had is with Joe Baggers and his van. I think outright removing it could be bad for roleplay
if its between 2 CONSENTING Adults its fine but some 20 year old and a 14 year old is litterly just fucked up
even if its a video game it still is illegal im pretty sure to roleplay sex with a minor
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don't get me wrong, but changing this will have a lot of consequences.

1. People lie about their ages
2. something about privacy and age
3. Teenagers will engage themselves as they are too horny (obviously as an older person u should bail)
4. unenforcable cause who agreed to whom?
5. Current version should suffice and if done in a public setting it is ceized anyway
6. You just cant stop this behaviour of teenagers, it happens, it is exploration and it is for responsible adults to react properly to it by ignoring or bailing from the situation noticing it is underaged
7. Use common sense

have you ever played Habbo hotel (before it became pedo heaven)? tbh I personally don't see a reason why I should intervene in two 13 year olds fucking each other in a virtual game. I cba to go inbetween them and say wooowww stop ohmagohd you are being dirty stop that now. I aint their mom trying to protect them. I am an administrator (moderator) trying to make the game playable and let people learn of the rules set for this server. There are enough pedo hunters out there getting rid of nonces, no worries about that.

If it is implemented, it is implemented. I am stating I won't be enforcing it unless it is literally pedo cause who the fuck cares if two 13 year olds are having fun behind closed doors, you can't stop it from happening either.
yeah true but the whole
An adault and a minor engaging in sexualised roleplay even if consentual Could possibly be ILLEGAL and the server could be liable if they dont do anything to try and stop it
also i find it incredibly dodgy you can have a fucking 12 year old consent to sexualised roleplay WITH ANYONE


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I don’t see why people would want to act out sexual scenarios on a garrys mod server. The rule should stand and not allow any sexual rp to happen no matter if you’re 18+

Stupid to even debate this.


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United Kingdom
If you actually downvoted this you're as tapped as a sink. Highly support this, get rid of it and protect the youth.
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United Kingdom
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 2.8 Sexual roleplay
Your version of the rule:

In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts may not be role-played or displayed in a public setting. All players involved must consent to any acts (consent may be given either in character, or out of character). If a player feels uncomfortable about any sexual acts, they may request that they stopped in LOOC, and this sexual role-play must not continue.

It is also not allowed to display pornographic content of any sort on TVs.
Additionally Minors {under the age of 18} may not engage in sexual roleplay

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:because why should 14 13 year olds be allowed to fuck the fuck outa someone in a game its just kinda mad
and also is a bit weird and this would also increase safe guarding for minors
This seems a bit pointless to add, on the rare occasion that sexual roleplay is performed it's not exactly something that is potentially scarring or explicitly anyway, it's just /me commands after all, and the rule already enforces that it has to be consensual and therefore anyone who is not comfortable has the ability to immediately nope out of any situation.

I feel like even enforcing this sort of rule would be a pain in the ass, what're we going to start asking people for proof of ID before they're allowed to play to make sure they don't ERP? Even if this is added I feel that the only time it'll ever actually be used is when it's weaponised against someone, considering the fact that 99.9% of our under-18 playerbase sound indistinguishable from an 18+ year old, this rule would still basically come down to asking the person to stop and theyre already required to stop on request now
also i find it incredibly dodgy you can have a fucking 12 year old consent to sexualised roleplay WITH ANYONE
When was the last time you found this to actually be an issue
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the crematorium
you're straight up a nonce if you don't realise the issue with having ERP on a server full of children
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Under Lewis088's bed
It's stupid sexual roleplay isn't banned out right. It's a gmod cops v robbers server and it's so unnecessary it is unreal, if they're horny they can go to pornhub there is literally no need to be doing this between any ages on this specific gmod server. This can literally bring out the sexual desires of a pedophile to target young children in the gamemode.
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