27-01-2015 Update

What would you like to see done next? Disclaimer: Some will take more time than others.

  • Player ID system (probably will take the longest of all)

  • NPC store closures at night

  • Shop signs (For now will change text on door only)

  • Ability to fuel up other people's cars

  • Fluctuating item prices depending on city's budget

  • Reviving not recovering full health

  • Additional means of city revenue (this will become more important)

  • Adjustments in weapon recoil

  • Ability to possibly scavenge some materials

  • Mayor can adjust unemployment check amount (current amount is max)

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Well today is going to be an interesting one, but I believe should be good.

Quick note, tomorrow I probably will do nothing but tamper with the mixture times, so all of you waiting for that change rejoice. However some others may be increased as they don't contain many parts; I may also nerf how much it resets your progress so you don't lose as much time by closing the menu.

Additionally, be sure to vote on the poll of what you would like done next. They are in no particular order of my own preference, but keep an open mind when voting and don't necessarily pick what you think is the most advantageous to yourself. They all are ideas that I do wish to do at some point, I am just looking to see where the community thinks the focus should be done next. As for today however...

  • The biggest change for today is that the city, in certain circumstances, may raise/lower the taxes without a mayor. This should help prevent times in which government can not be paid and there is no mayor at the time. I will not be revealing the specifics of how it determines whether it should raise or lower. It will lower no more than what the default has been. This change may not happen very often, but it is a possibility now.
  • Fuel tax can now be adjusted by the mayor and will have an effect at the pump; government fuel is still free though. (Default is 15%)
  • Mayor can now set sergeant's pay, but can not set the number of sergeants to employ. (Fixed at 2)
  • Book of the Law now shows payment information for sergeant and the overall city budget (20% error margin, so you can not tell precisely what it is, if you need the exact amount arrange a meeting with the mayor)
  • Vehicles must be turned off before refilling. (Thanks to @Krzeszny for partially proposing this [https://perpheads.com/threads/k13-bring-back-fuel-hoses-from-old-perp-idea-44-155.4190/])

Remember if you have any bugs or problems that occur often and repeatedly, please report here: https://github.com/syl0r/Perpheads-Issues/issues . Give as much detail as you can about what it is and how it happened. If it is a possible exploit and people can abuse to gain some advantage over someone else, please send in a private conversation with me. @StephenPuffs
Not to sure, I would probably say ID because I really like this idea, I'm already using a system like this on google docs when I'm a police officer, I got about 73 ID's there. Whoever waits for something good never waits to long.
Hey stephen,
Do you mind fixing some of the radio stations while you are updating today?
Snooth Jazz FM no longer works and
Can you replace christmas classics with Drum and Bass Channel?

Many thanks
Matt :)
As I can't comment on my mobile... @Sdac2 at least one finally has gone way ahead of the rest. For awhile it looked to be a 4-5 way tie, so I didn't know which to pick, now I do. As stated though this change would take awhile and has some serious things to consider when doing so. There may be the need for additional features just to add this one. Anyways, this one is probably the most exciting in my opinion because of all the possibilities with it. Not to say I wouldn't work on another.
What about tasers, new speed camera model, new battering ram and new speed enforcement playermodels? Why didn't you include them in the poll?
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