26-02-2015 Small Update

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Quick update to fix a few problems as well as a couple changes, nothing major but may be one of the most helpful.

  • You can leave organizations again (left some debugging code, oops) (Thanks to all who reported this on bug tracker and elsewhere)
  • Magic mushrooms can be picked by all police officers (Keep this rule in mind) (Thank you to maxh13 (I don't know your forum name) for reporting HERE)
  • Drug crafting time reduced by 60%. I may change some other things later on regarding the whole crafting time right now, but this is probably the most important and what people object to the most.
  • Reverse lights, when backing up your car will switch from full red lights to having a sort of white look as to indicate the vehicle is moving backward. (Thanks to @ThomasGeorge for suggesting this HERE)
  • Items now orient to match how are you are looking when dropped/spawned. (i.e. Annoyed with placing police barricades then always having to rotate into position with physgun or fists? Now they simply face away from where you place making it much simpler to quickly block off a road or area.)
  • Some items have had their weight in world changed so they aren't knocked over or pushed out of the way as easily.
That's all for now. If any prop isn't rotated in a decent fashion add to a list and send to me, so I can fix. I did a lot of major things, but may have missed some others that may be needed.
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