Server Suggestion 3.25 Rule Fix

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Suggestion Title: 3.25 Rule Fix
Suggestion Description: Rule 3.25 states "Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation. (For example if you know you can escape you may do so with the drugs, although you will have to drop what you harvested if you’re caught by the police/raiders)"

The truth is, which I didn't understand until Maia told me. Is that you aren't EVER allowed to harvest when being raided.

The rule states you you need a significant chance to escape the situation, but what I now understand after Maia teaching me is that you have to KNOW, 100% sure that you're going to escape. The language of "significant chance" implies that you don't need a 100% chance to escape.

Another confusing part is the rule says ""you can't harvest WHILE being raided or when YOU suspect YOU'RE about to be raided if you don't..."" . This is incorrect language as it's speaking as if the person who's going to get raided can harvest, which Maia cleared up for me that the rule is there for situations when you're the person RAIDING, you can harvest if you think you can get away.

Why should this be added?:
- New players will know the real rule
- Less confusing for staff
- Less arguments
- More faith and respect in the rules

What negatives could this have?:
- It takes time for people to adjust to rule changes
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I think the fix would be chancge 3.25 to "Players may not harvest drugs or mug players while being raided or they suspect they are about to get raided".
And add a rule saying "Players raiding may only harvest drugs if they are certain they can escape the situation."
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I think the rule is fine as it is. Its clear to me and doesnt show confusion in my eyes. It clearly states that you can harvest when you know you can escape.

The rule is more defender orientated then for raiders, if you raid then you dont know if you can escape with your life after harvesting the drugs as a lot can happen.

- You can never be certain you are going to be safe. There will always be a risk factor.
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When you have a few people breaking into your house with guns and they are shooting at you, your survival and escaping chance isn't significantly high
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I think the rule is fine as it is. Its clear to me and doesnt show confusion in my eyes. It clearly states that you can harvest when you know you can escape.

The rule is more defender orientated then for raiders, if you raid then you dont know if you can escape with your life after harvesting the drugs as a lot can happen.

- You can never be certain you are going to be safe. There will always be a risk factor.

See you don't get it either, you aren't allowed to harvest when you're being raided ever, since you never know if there is people outside, you never know you have a 100% chance of escape.
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The Eras Tour
Hello Laddy,

What you need to understand with rule 3.25 is the following:

If you have a viable chance of escaping a conflit without confrontation, it is allowed to harvest.

For example:
You are raiding slums 4. Slums 3 had also engaged in combat therefore they are counted as defenders as well.
You clear the apartment 4 but you are still in confrontation with the apartment below, that has not been cleared yet.
You, as the raider, control the staircase and the rest of the defenders are inside slums 3, in this case, it is okay for you to harvest the drugs found in slums 4 as you have a very viable option of getting away without engaging in combat with slums 3.

On the other hand, the people defending inside slums 3 have no viable way out. They are stuck inside their apartment and in order to get away from the scene they have no choice but to engage in combat with the raiders outside, therefore, they are not allowed to harvest their drugs under 3.25 as they do not have a reasonable chance of escaping without combat.

I can understand why this rule seems confusing to you but at the end of the day the thing that matters the most is that you make no actions that would lead you to keep items which you would lose normally if you died (drugs / guns)