3.7 Edit to stop complexes being owned by 1 org.

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Deleted member 5920

What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:


Your version of the rule:

When props are used to block entrances to a property, at least 2 entrances to the main area of the property must be left unobstructed. The main area of a property is defined as the area within the property where the majority of occupants reside and main functions of the property are carried out. A path is considered obstructed when a player has to either jump or crouch to travel along the path.

Organisations or groups of players cannot buy out whole apartment complexes such as slums, projexs and regals.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Currently if you buy out an entire complex as an org to bypass the table limit it is near impossible to successfully raid as raiders cannot raid 4 apartments at once as this is against the rules of the server. It is also a side effect that these orgs buy out other apartments early in the day to "reserve" them for later when they need them. This makes the cheaper options unavailable to newer players as all apartments are quickly bought out.

Another issue that is if you are raiding you literally within the rules are not allowed to raid the whole complex and therefor even if they flank are not able to enter the property without being in violation of the rules. Big orgs should buy big bases.
Rather than stopping orgs from owning an entire complex, I feel as though in my opinion that the rule regarding raiding limits should be edited to allow an entire complex to be raided in place of “3 properties”.

The issue with implementing this rule would be that you could just get an Ally to buy the last few apartments.

I know the issue you’re talking about and I do in fact see this as an issue, but enforcing this as a rule would be difficult on moral, ethical, and effort requirement levels. It would also be piss Easy to bypass with loopholes.
A way round this could just be up the limit to 4 properties in 1 hour.
Maybe implement this on a deeper scale. Restrict property buying on an organizational level from the bank. For example each Organization can only by a certain amount of each property (The category's at the top)
To buy multiple properties, and not use them (especially in large complexes like projex etc) is considered excessive negativity as it means other users cannot buy an apartment due to people owning it and not even using it. If we see complexes bought out by organizations, we ask that they sell any apartments they aren't using. This is mainly enforced when the player count is high and other people want to base in these unused apartments.

However, we can't necessarily stop them from buying every apartment if they actually intend on using each one. If I see these orgs taking up complexes I do suggest they move somewhere like parker but so long as they are actually using each apartment, I don't see an issue - organizations can be this scale and don't always have space in a few apartments.
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that should NEVER be considered excessive negativity if an organisation is simply buying out a full complex of apartments and that should only ever be applied in the most excessive scenarios where its simply done to troll

by considering that excessive negativity you immediately outrule a significant amount of potential roleplay opportunities and its simply just not beneficial - there are many things you can do within roleplay by owning a lot of properties
@Sorle I agree with your point about roleplay opportunities with these properties, they aren't instantly sold but in every case that I have made them sell apartments they have used, I've given them more than enough time to 'roleplay' with them and that clearly isn't their intention. These are also instances where the server pop is high and other people want to use these apartments.
If an organisation buys out a full apartment block but never uses 1-2 apartments, then they should be sold. Flugs has explained as to why this should be.

I agree that it stops RP going on, but most of the time, RP doesn't go on in there and its just 6+ people power growing.

If an organisation wishes to have that many people, a large building or 2 large buildings can be bought to allow others to use the apartments, including sweaters.

Parker and glass Co are a good example for big orgs.
@Jimmy Jackson @flugs its inherently beneficial for an organisation to own all apartments in a complex

why would you even bother creating more excessive restrictions when most of the issues within the community already stem from excessive restrictions? it becomes less and less fun to play when youre not even allowed to buy out an apartment complex as 6 people because "youre not using the 4th apartment" - which is a horribly unrealistic argument btw

property should work on a first come first serve basis as it always has; if you dont get an apartment, go elsewhere, tough luck
@Sorle were not saying sell the whole complex if you're not using the 4th apartment, but any apartments not being used should be sold.
@Sorle I don't see how to telling users who are not using a apartment, and I mean, leaving it empty, to sell it, would restrict them. If anything, it restricts other users.
@Jimmy Jackson by disallowing it you are imposing a direct restriction on their actions

if this restriction wasnt a thing when the server was consistently 80/80 with queue server why does it suddenly need to be a thing now
@Sorle I don't see how telling someone to sell a empty property that none has used for over 30+ minutes would restrict their role play.
@Jimmy Jackson it's the concept of feeling a sense of restriction which causes issues - people buy out a whole complex to give some amount of an advantage + give themselves a safety net in case more people come online who need chem table slots etc, it's never been problematic historically when the server was much more populated so there's no point making the playerbase feel less comfortable and more restricted with what they have

it's not suddenly like we're struggling to give players apartments lol, most of the time the apartment complexes that aren't bought out are completely empty
In future, organisations won't be able to buy more than double the single player limit of properties.

If an organisation buys a whole complex and uses all properties, that's fine. If one property in a complex isn't being used, staff can force sell it.
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