4.9: Police officers

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What rule do you wish to Add: 4.9: Law Enforcement
Your version of the rule:
4.9 Law enforcement:
Police officers are expected at all times to follow the PLPD Policies provided Here .

Why do you believe this rule should be Added:

There is no rule regarding police officers and this confuses a lot of new players. Also a large number of newer officers don't seem to know the existence of the policies handbook.​
I was not involved in that CC meeting so I don’t know the thought process that went to deciding a let’s talk. But, what I do know is that the officer in question was ranked Senior Officer in the evidence so my assumption was that there was leniency in that IA Complaint. If you want to ask about that specific IA, message @Momo
current system requires you to make an IA/AR in order to RR.
I generally do not reply to posts such as this one, however, considering this particular incident has been brought up so many times I'll make an exception. The incident addressed within complaint occurred anywhere from 2-5 months prior to the complaint being made. It was decided it would be unfair to have this hinder progress within the PD even though so much time has passed since the incident. The complaint was still valid and therefore sustained, however, only a corrective action was issued.
@CodezBlack it absolutely wouldn’t be better for the “bratty child” to lose his coke instead of something happening to YOU when YOU make a mistake, irrespective of the time you spent to achieve that position. If you truly spent so long to achieve the position and you actually deserved it, surely you would know not to make such a mistake in order to affect someone negatively to the extent that they make a complaint?

The ignorance of some of the points you try to argue truly astounds me.
@Sorle Sorry but while my DNA makes me Human that makes me prone to mistake. Please point out 1 person who has lived to my age and not made a single innocent mistake that they did not intend to happen and is out of your reach? It's funny how for example if an LT who accidentally ran someone over he should lose his job should the victim make an IA. You ain't exactly a ray of sunshine either son.
I'm sorry but I'm guessing because I never see you as a cop you will find this invalid but a police officers life is worth more to society than a crim. More good people will support an officer coming out alive rather than a crim. If I'm about to die I sure as hell ain't gonna follow policies that could bring my death sooner. Disagree if you want but that's how I am one of the officers who last till the end and/or survive. It works, you should try it when you eventually go as a cop.
I have seen officers get IAs on them because some cuck ran in front of their car. I mean come on, the server is turning into some sort of insurance fraud fest.
They shouldn't even be made at all. That's my point. People complain about people making pathetic ARs/Reports but whenever a pathetic IA is made no one notices.
If an action you commit as an officer is directly preventing your death then it isn't a breach of policies as it would come under necessary use of force.
You have been reading this wrong. Common sense is that a cop causing the deaths of 6 peoples when it could have been avoided is severe enough. A cop running a red light is not. Your reply below comes out as you saying that both of the offenses I just said should be dealt with by staff either in-game via report or publicly in an AR.
@Momo translating what you said. There was a more lenient approach due to the officers rank and potential to become captain of a division the next day. What you've said is that you are biased to officers that progress even if their rank was the same at the time 2-5 months prior but which was it 2 or 5 months because thats a big gap to be unsure of. I'm sure you don't check when the incident happens for every complaint and there was no mention of when the incident occured in the complaint so I wouldn't try to chat absolute shit to justify going out of your way to make sure the most lenient punishment possible can be given because this doesn't happen for every officer in the PD. Bs
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