5.5 - Robbing the bank

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.5 - Robbing the bank
Your version of the rule:

5.5 Robbing the Bank
For players to help other players rob the bank, they must be part of the bank robbery by gaining an arrest warrant at the beginning of the bank robbery. Players that fail to gain an arrest warrant from the bank robbery may not assist with the bank robbery. All players must be present in the room outside the vault when the drill is placed. Hostages may not be taken during or before a bank robbery. Police may not force players who are arrested after the bank robbery is successful to forfeit the cash given to them by the bank robbery NPC, nor may police officers confiscate the drill while bank robbers are still alive in the vicinity.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Recently, from my experience at least, it has occurred a lot that police officers manage to sneak into the vault room somehow, pick the 1 or 2 people inside there and then confiscate the drill, only to then die several seconds later. This wouldn't be a massive problem if they were guns and they were confiscated, but the fact that you cannot regain the drill when you in theory "won" the bank robbery, sucks ass. Sure it's easy to say that "you shouldn't let it happen", but even at times I've seen the armored SWAT van ram through the windows, and the TFU just rush the vault with the sole intention to confiscate the drill. In my eyes that is not fun in anyway what so ever.

So I believe it would be good to add this onto the rules, so that while there are other shooters within the vicinity that the officers are clearly aware of (i.e, can hear shots being fired) then they should not be allowed to confiscate the drill, because while the immediate area may be safe per say, the situation isn't entirely resolved and thus I think making it fair for criminals robbing the bank, as currently keeping everyone inside the bank is almost a guaranteed loss.

Maybe the wording would have to be improved a bit to avoid loopholes, and I think it's better to make this into a rule rather than a policy as it is more of an OOC thing due to the fact that the drill is limited to 1 per bank robbery and cannot be retrieved once confiscated.
Clearly you haven't played recently. We tried defending from the bank with high numbers too, the people outside just get picked off and we slowly get surrounded and closed in on. Especially with how hard the vault room is to defend with 2 openable doors that open outwards making them hard to shut again and the rest of the bank not really offering the best cover from beretta snipers. There's almost always max cops on at peak times these past days and it makes bank robberies actually quite a challenge and not just a complete stomp, it's just no feasible to leave a lot of people inside of the bank. Especially when we can't get a crew of 8 at times, and inviting randoms along never ends well.

Like I said, it's easy to say "just defend the vault lol", but go do it yourself and you'll see how anti-fun it is. Cops already have a considerable advantage in shootouts alone, let alone in the bank where they can literally encircle the area and close in slowly. Defending from inside is literally a no go if you want to win.
last time ill ever defend the vault room was when 4 tfu just wallbanged until they killed 2 of us
Can confirm babysitting a shrunken half life 2 entity is the most fucking boring thing in the world and cops just mindlessly wallbang because its definitely a feature for guns to cut through a hardened metal room like a hot knife through butter
Dispatchers sitting there giving exact locations through CCTV of the shooters so cops can just wallbang guessing where they are
Slayer is right. When literally 6 of the 8 people in a robbery is out flanking, it's not our problem. If the vault is clear and your org is just driving around, looking for cops at intersection, hell no I'm confiscating that shit.

Literally just watch over the drill. If it gets removed, it is your own fault for being an idiot and leaving it unattended.
Implimenting a feature that prevents you from taking the drill off the vault door whilst bank robbers are inside the bank would be ideal imo.
This, I can get on board with, but if there is a robber inside the bank, can't he just go in and shoot the cop? It takes quite a while to dismantle it, like a good 10 seconds.
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