Police Suggestion 5.56 DMR (with scope) for TFU

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Oh look, another TFU suggestion people will hate me for.

Brief description of idea: Add a light 5.56 DMR to the TFU's Arsenal. My idea would be:
Add the SG550 with the already compatible PMII Scope. In my experience I feel like the SG550 is way more accurate and suited for this role (And it's just my preference).
If not then the M16A4 should get the same option for those that prefer this weapon instead.

(Controversial) Possibly give us the option to put a 5.56 suppressor on these weapons which would make them a valuable asset for outdoor situations that require it where the Remington M24 lacks in firerate due to it being a bolt-action weapon. Possibly introduce a limit to how many suppressed DMR's you can have currently deployed to not make the M24 obsolete.

Please discuss if you should be able to put a suppressor on these weapons, even without the PMII scope in place. This is not intended to replace the M24 Remington.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Add a viable semi-automatic weapon that excels at range but not at close range situations.
Hopefully not even close to OP as a ACOG rifle is still the perfect middle ground for ranged firefights due to the back-up and main sight. These DMR should not have the option for a ACOG sight.

What potential negatives could this have for the department: Would most likely make the M24 Remington a less popular choice when more suppressed weapons are introduced.

Other additions: Just want a SG550 tbh.
I think that the ssg itself is fine, giving a more versatile long range weapon, however giving it a silencer wouldn’t be a good idea. I can already picture the tfo sitting in their dark uniform in some dusty corner on the edge of my render distance in the middle of the pitch black night taking silent shots at my kneecaps, no thank you that’s too much. The silenced M24 works because it takes a skilful marksman to use effectively and even then it’s slow rof keeps it for being too powerful. A scoped silenced ssg could be spammed at render distance without anyone noticing where it’s coming from.
M4 with ACOG is already incredibly viable, that being said I don’t see a reason for their not to be a sniper setup for a 5.56 rifle with the aforementioned attachments but I remain adamant on the MP5 being the best weapon to add a suppressor for.
M4 with ACOG is already incredibly viable, that being said I don’t see a reason for their not to be a sniper setup for a 5.56 rifle with the aforementioned attachments but I remain adamant on the MP5 being the best weapon to add a suppressor for.
I'd be fine if the MP5 is the one that ends up getting the suppressor.
If it gets implemented without the suppressor, I'm all for it.
I'm more interested in seeing smgs with suppressors. rifles would be cool to have suppressors too but they'd have to be mutually exclusive with acogs. It'd be far too powerful as a marksman loadout if you could barely be located with both, not to mention the fact that rifles with acogs aren't limited to 1 or 2.
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