5.7 Pickpocketing

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.7 Pickpocketing
Your version of the rule: A user would be able to go behind someone, and make a /me Pickpocket [Name]. Then they have to make a roll both, whoever rolls highest wins, after that will have to do a desc such as fx /desc Did they notice? And then roll aswell and see who rolls highest. If they notice they would be able to prevent it, or do something about it, if they lose they will have to drop small things such as. A mag, a burger or a phone etc. Small stuff like that.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
This would create some more fun for the server, and definitely also create way more roleplay for others to do. Obviously I know there's not a lot of roleplay, but this can help bring it up a bit more alive from the situation. Credit should be where Credit is due this was a 100% idea from @Synatec
You bet your ass it was my idea.

Imma make it a bit more detailed.

** Rupert pickpockets Jack
||Roll|| Rupert rolls: 51
||Roll|| Jack rolls: 10
[Describe] did Jack notice? (Rupert Oldershaw)
||Roll|| Rupert rolls: 59
||Roll|| Jack rolls: 33
In this one, Rupert wins both rolls so he gets away with pickpocketing.

** Rupert pickpockets Jack
||Roll|| Rupert rolls: 69
||Roll|| Jack rolls: 89
Jack wins, he notices it right away and can act accordingly.

** Rupert pickpockets Jack
||Roll|| Rupert rolls: 51
||Roll|| Jack rolls: 10
[Describe] did Jack notice? (Rupert Oldershaw)
||Roll|| Rupert rolls: 1
||Roll|| Jack rolls: 100
Jack wins the second roll, so he can now act accordingly (gunpoint for item back for example).

Of course doing this sort of stuff with about 10 people around would still be 3.4 as someone would obviously notice it. This should only be done when its not in the most public area, so not in the middle of the bazaar.

It is really a stupid idea but stupid ideas are the best ideas.
This roleplay aspect should only be done if both parties agrees, as an aspect of roleplay.

It shouldn't be forced onto anyone, especially people like sweaters. This idea is stupid indeed but I don't think it should be implemented ruleways nor gamewise. If you wise to make RP more alive search other methods or start acting on your own and try to add people into it (a lot of people are actually interested in RP but have no incentives). I never seen this before and definitely dont want to be in such situations as it just seems more obnoxious than fun unless you indeed properly RP it.
I mean, you can always change up rules how their set out etc. Fx has to be limited to what kind of cars they got etc. Or like SexualRP, at a certain point with both party's consenting etc.
Just add the DarkRP pickpocket function to PERP, there’s no way anyone’s going to drop cash because of a /me performed in a random situation. In fact, don’t even add the function and just mug people at gunpoint like a man????
Allen Kennedy is typing this with 2 rolex's and a Breitling on his wrists which he stole from unsuspecting london underground commuters, this man knows exactly what he's on about.
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