A 2019 bazaar shootout example

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck

Oh Yeah Yeah STEAM_0:0:60403285 > Most Noticeable, tries to minge everything he finds and walks around like a chicken during the entire 9 min until he gets wiped.
smo STEAM_0:1:2385029 > Walks around visibly unarmed 99% of the shootout. Gets hit by my m24 while trying to minge to
GREG STEAM_0:1:105439594 > Gunfights going on, watches then gets cuffed and walks around the middle of the shootout for w/e reason
(OCD) Wanderon STEAM_0:020636117 MEDIC > I don't fucking even
Devilhunter STEAM_0:1:20340176 MEDIC > I don't fucking even #2
Zansaa STEAM_0:0:178794506 > tries to crowbar one of the suspects out mid shootout in the middle of the bazaar, lost 80% of his brain mass and died on the spot.
niy STEAM_0:0:154185791 > Props to him for running around visibly unarmed to 99% of the shootout, and his reaction to getting shot by me when he goes in front of the window.

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Minging in shootout, failing to leave at ANY point even though they had a whole 5+ min to just go. "Oh Yeah Yeah" and Niy had already exposed my position and at some point they were all at the back of the bazaar but refused to leave and came back to try to kill me.

AlexDuns decided to start a shootout at bazaar, the cops involved were responding to afaik a different incident but he started shooting the cops who were unaware of his presence. I don't even know if he was wanted in the first place or why he opened fire. This AR defines what is wrong with perp these days, and what i keep reffering to when i call for 'bazaar aids'
It also shows how crims completely lack the motivation to leave and stay specifically to just try to kill more cops, in addition to the constant minging in gunfights for lulz or weapons.

I encourage staff to take appropriate steps and not just to this AR alone as it needs to be fixed community wide, this happens non stop in almost EVERY gunfight in bazaar.

To clarify to the people in this specific AR, i know everybody does what you do and that this is common practice but there is no LEO but me who stay's alive long enough to actually witness and record this from a police perspective. This shit needs to stop.

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you literally have 0 IQ, I saved bobs gun and then later on killed a cop, not a very good sniper are we now :), maybe instead of camping get your officers to actually do something strategical for once

i rate this disagree
Lemme get this straight, since i'm 0 IQ and all. You minge around in a shootout for a solid 10 min, in that duration you minged bob's gun and actually get hit by a M24 in the meantime (3:12 timestamp) then drop said weapon. Continue minging just to pick it up half a min later and later store it (rule 3.18) after killing a leo from behind. You had a solid 9 min to simply leave but instead stay there for the lulz to wait for more cops to arrive and try to shoot them in the back with a pistol for no reason at all.

Considering your complete lack of understanding on what you're doing is massively 3.4 my best guess is you're going on vacation soon since you clearly need to read the rules for some time.
very sorry that I've hurt your feelings somehow? I feel like you take this too seriously and you should be the one who needs the vacation buddy :)

positive vibes only here i will learn from my mistakes
helping friends i even killed a cop if you look at logs
I was buying shit from them so i ended up helping them out, the guy i was going to buy from got cuffed and so i was talking to him and got shot by joe from the window, so i went and got a gun and killed some cops
I didnt even know it was a shootout if you see in the video I just arrive a bit later and while I was passing through baggers shop he just shot me I dont know why, and this didnt even look like a shootout
I was there with Jack, we were buying shit and i was waiting for him
Also I legit just had my crowbar out??? how is that even a valid reason to kill me
You're buying shit, while standing about with a crowbar in your hand with the shooting ACTIVELY GOING ON AND SHOTS BEING FIRED surrounded by piles of moaning corpses at no point try to leave even with shots being fired. You then proceed to crowbar one of the suspects out because you're STILL in the area for no apparent reason even with shots being fired. Because you're buying shit, man that's some good RP. You can always make an AR on me, and see how that goes for you? Considering you don't think its a valid reason.
@Slayerduck considering he had my friend under gun point for just killing a cop a think its a pretty valid reason hope he enjoyed his 5 minutes

Hopefully this will be sorted by the end of today. We apologise for this taking long for a decision to be made
smo said:
@Slayerduck considering he had my friend under gun point for just killing a cop a think its a pretty valid reason hope he enjoyed his 5 minutes
Did you enjoy your 5 min today? spawned right in a shootout and went straight for the minge :laughcry:

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