A change to Appeals and Disputes

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United Kingdom, Devon
Description of the idea: Changing disputes to Admin and above, forcing disputes, appeals, and other administrative threads to be dealt with within 48 hours of it being uploaded.

Why should this be added? (pros): It's extremely clear that the staff team is lazy currently and appeals, disputes, reports, etc all take the piss to have completed. Therefore I believe adding a timer of which posts must be dealt within will be healthy for both the player and staff.

  • Faster response times
  • Higher standards (due to admin+)

What negatives could this have? (cons):

  • There is none, it will be successful if staff care. :zing:

*Other additions:

Permanent ban appeals are exempt

*Images: [useful images]
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If a staff member got banned and wanted to dispute or appeal it and despite having a valid dispute / appeal, they end up sitting the full ban and a week later having the staff member who banned them simply just comment “closed, ban expired” then they’d be pretty fucking mad. Put yourselves in the playerbases shoes for a change, Reading a few paragraphs and processing it would take about the same amount of time an admin sit would.

For lengthy bans I can see why it’d take multiple staff members to decide but for apologies for small stuff like shooting a cop to avoid a minor jail sentence, I really don’t see why we have to Judge Judy them.

All my accepted ban appeals were only accepted about 12 hours after my ban was set to expire.

Maybe start compensating players who had valid disputes or appeals that weren’t answered or took an abnormally long amount of time to answer? Imagine the appeals being automatically accepted after a set amount of time, then surely staff would jump the fuck up at the opportunity to put a stop to that! :)
I don't deny they take way too long, I really don't. I have often been banned where I have been waiting for ages to get a response. This is something if I could I would work on. That's why my ban appeals it hasn't taken more than usually Max a few hours for me to respond.

That staff takes days even sometimes a week to respond, is a huge problem it really is. I've taken the time to often remind staff members aswell. I can do nothing, but understand the pain and annoyance in waiting the time out. But even if it's only Admins who would be allowed to accept, it could end up taking even longere aswell.
Crazy how senior administration could just be like "hey guys we are removing this super weird dumb rota system for forum reports and if appeals, reports, disputes aren't done within 48 hours of them being released you will get yikes'd" really not difficult
This is one of these rare occasions where I actually agree with you on something.
Staff team are lazy, and this has been a persistent problem over the past few years. Bolli is just a figurehead and doesn't actually do anything and he's a "head administrator".
We have decided to change the way we deal with disputes and appeals slightly to ensure that they are dealt with properly and fairly, within a reasonable time period.

Disputes will now be dealt with by 2 staff members of any rank above Enforcer and an Administrator, or if it is a dispute on a ban/warning given by a staff member ranked Moderator or Enforcer, 2 Administrators may deal with it. There will also be a "Time Limit" of 72 hours where a reply must be given to a dispute.

Ban Appeals will also be changed slightly to lessen any affects of bias, they will be dealt with by the staff member who issued the punishment and one other staff member ranked Moderator plus. There will also be a "Time Limit", of 48 hours in which the appeal must be dealt with, and if exceeded any Administrator may deal with it on their own.
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