A long time coming

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Some of you may have noticed already that I've been banned, you're quick to notice.

And I didn't do this for memes either. My day was going by normally, really. Several things were going well in fact, Tom hosted the hide & seek events which were quite fun and was hanging out with random people like I usually do afterwards.

I've said this to tom, and I'll repeat this here.

I told myself I was eventually going to do this, and in my opinion the server's been going downhill for ages. I stopped playing on purpose to stop myself from doing something like this, I had the urge back when I was Corporal and said "I'd rather mass RDM", but instead I resigned. I wasn't enjoying myself at all. All I was doing was keeping up hours in the PD because I didn't really want to lose TFU. I was essentially waiting for the server to pick up again, be better. I was time and time again disappointed in the direction the community took, over and over again. Hostilities eventually became the norm, there's an endless stream of threats and actual ARs & IAs, no one ever says a positive thing anymore, or tries to help anyone else, try to slow down, think a little.


Up til recently, most of the updates have been off-track of what "Serious RP" is, it hasn't embraced that fact, in fact it's done the exact opposite, and all the other kids with their people i'm around bring this up very often, "how it's become DarkRP, wasn't what it used to be, server's going downhill, perp is dying, no updates, shit updates, shit staff, fuck ayjay, fuck tiny, bring moron back, bring jordan back". Etc, etc.
I'm tired of it, I'm done. All I ever see are things done in the best interest of themselves at this point, I never saw Ayjay contribute a single thing to the community as a whole. He thought it appropriate to delete a fundamental part of the forums, one of the things that unifies the active part of the community, the shoutbox itself, simply because he couldn't be bothered to ban someone who broke some rules. I had a habit of checking shoutbox whenever I ran out of things to do, or while I was loading something. It was annoying and left me out of the loop for what felt like ages.

Staff punishing people isn't a part of why I did what I did, it's a part of any server that has rules, and I willingly committed to my own acts after snapping, I had realized, and I'd lost it in the moment after shooting the tires of a vehicle that was fleeing, that was the point I snapped, the driver and passenger hopped out, and I continued shooting killing the passenger and driver, I shot a guy who had killed me earlier, who was nearby, then my fellow TFO who was stopping the vehicle, then a spectator who decided standing next to a rogue cop was a good idea, shortly after I ran around and spotted more people, resisted the urge to continue my rampage, went off duty and disconnected as I had completed my original goal, it was as simple as revenge, and I'm not going to go into further detail, or post a video.

I knew I had gone ballistic and there wasn't a 'fuck go back' button either. Several incidents today were the trigger point for my actions, some of which were bad timing, others blatant RDM.

I did my best to contribute to the community, help fix things that were flawed, suggest new things, and so on. I even thought about applying for enforcer, but the stress eventually got to me and I decided "fuck it". These are currently open bug reports, things that I've been finding because I've been searching for them, exclusively so I could help get it fixed and to improve quality of life on the server.

I have more open bug reports than most, and a huge spike in the bug reports I've made recently within the past 2-4 months. These are all bugs I imagined could be abused, one of which gave you invincibility, though was fixed before my bug report was acknowledged.

At this point I'd rather lurk on the forums, be a spectator, see the better moments on the forums than sit in the soup collecting toxic waste from a near empty barrel that is actively corroding.

I'll probably regret this later, but that's future me's problem.

Oh and enjoy this video from today, the day I Mass RDM'd.
I threw it together quickly with no audio level peaks, so I was going in blind regarding audio.

Yet again, I'll be lurking. I don't know what I'll do in the future, so I can't say I won't make an apology, again, future me's problem.

Note to staff
Deleting this thread for any minor offense you might have taken will be your mistake, and in doing so shows how little you care for individuals, I doubt I'll be posting much on the forums outside of the shoutbox, so much of the reasoning as to why I've done the things I've done will be gone, feel free to edit and censor anything you believe to break the forum rules. After all, the winners write the history, right?
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Just turn your PC off, all it takes is not to play for a couple of days to soon realise this is just a game. As much as I agree with you the server is fucking shit right now and most opinions are being completely ignored. Your right roleplay has died and everyone turned into tryhards with nobody doing anything about it. Every suggestion I make, pm I send or word I speak completely ignored by kids with ego's on the internet. Tinyslayer picks and chooses what updates he wants ignoring what the community wants without a concern for the state of the playerbase. Why should he care though? As the only active developer.
Ayjay removed the shoutbox for a day or 2 at most lmfao, I dont know what they said but I'm sure it made everyone realise how much they missed it and to be more respectful.

You achieved absolutely nothing by mass rdming and you'll soon realise it. You'll be back in 6 months and if it was up to me RDM, cheating, ddos ect would be a CWB for 6 months because why should you have the chance. Calling people toxic and saying how shit the playerbase and stafff are is one thing. But all you've done is waste everyone's time because your childish enough to do something like this rather than just mot play like any sane person because it's just a game.
he killed people on a virtual game dont need to be so patriotic
Holy fuck I agree and I disagree. Sure, it's a game but it's somewhat more complicated than just turning my PC off, and getting banned had a deeper meaning behind it.
I tried, I really did, but seeing no progress, and committing to helping improving something you didn't know was most likely going to fail in the end is disappointing. I'd rather take my frustrations out in the moment and accomplish nothing just to make myself feel better than to continue wasting my time. After all, nobody really cares what anyone else feels, right? I've wasted nobody's time, you've willingly given your attention to the thread, and willingly spent your time in a community with no obvious improvements.

Who said I was sane?
You wasted everyone's time you killed for no reason.What do you have to prove to a bunch of complete strangers with limoted influence on each others actual lives. Congrats, you made yourself feel better until you waste your time making appeals and come back as soon as this 6 month ban expires if perps not dead by then.
The only thing I was proving was my loss of hope. A black screen is inevitable, there are plenty of times you've sat through 5 minutes of nothingness, then made an AR because of it a couple of times, and moved on. What's one more? I'm glad I made myself feel better, despite the fact it means I'm just another one of them "who don't care about anything else but themselves". I'll probably make an appeal or wait out my ban to see the updates just to see where the "community" goes, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that I fully committed to the idea just to prove my point, one of being sick and tired of being passively abused by negativity that is given out, even jokingly at times. It's tiring and is unoriginal. Your behavior is also unoriginal, so is mine, you also seem to have something to prove, and I wonder what that is.
@Exnem you still achieved nothing rather than make yourself happy until you soon regret it and want to play again. This doesnt change anything.
Probably hasn't changed anything, but at least I've shown how disappointed I am. And that's all I really care about. Me doing something like this seems retarded, but all I'm doing is "documenting" it for others to see. I didn't directly gain anything from it, in fact I built a reputation for being a micspammer and doing wacky stuff after realizing the server probably wasn't going to go anywhere, and the rules being far less restrictive than I was used to compared to 2014-15 just added to it. Also it's only 6 months, I can wait, after all staff was generous to let me stay un-CWB'd in the first place, which I imagine will be enough for me.
Some of you may have noticed already that I've been banned, you're quick to notice.

And I didn't do this for memes either. My day was going by normally, really. Several things were going well in fact, Tom hosted the hide & seek events which were quite fun and was hanging out with random people like I usually do afterwards.

I've said this to tom, and I'll repeat this here.

I told myself I was eventually going to do this, and in my opinion the server's been going downhill for ages. I stopped playing on purpose to stop myself from doing something like this, I had the urge back when I was Corporal and said "I'd rather mass RDM", but instead I resigned. I wasn't enjoying myself at all. All I was doing was keeping up hours in the PD because I didn't really want to lose TFU. I was essentially waiting for the server to pick up again, be better. I was time and time again disappointed in the direction the community took, over and over again. Hostilities eventually became the norm, there's an endless stream of threats and actual ARs & IAs, no one ever says a positive thing anymore, or tries to help anyone else, try to slow down, think a little.


Up til recently, most of the updates have been off-track of what "Serious RP" is, it hasn't embraced that fact, in fact it's done the exact opposite, and all the other kids with their people i'm around bring this up very often, "how it's become DarkRP, wasn't what it used to be, server's going downhill, perp is dying, no updates, shit updates, shit staff, fuck ayjay, fuck tiny, bring moron back, bring jordan back". Etc, etc.
I'm tired of it, I'm done. All I ever see are things done in the best interest of themselves at this point, I never saw Ayjay contribute a single thing to the community as a whole. He thought it appropriate to delete a fundamental part of the forums, one of the things that unifies the active part of the community, the shoutbox itself, simply because he couldn't be bothered to ban someone who broke some rules. I had a habit of checking shoutbox whenever I ran out of things to do, or while I was loading something. It was annoying and left me out of the loop for what felt like ages.

Staff punishing people isn't a part of why I did what I did, it's a part of any server that has rules, and I willingly committed to my own acts after snapping, I had realized, and I'd lost it in the moment after shooting the tires of a vehicle that was fleeing, that was the point I snapped, the driver and passenger hopped out, and I continued shooting killing the passenger and driver, I shot a guy who had killed me earlier, who was nearby, then my fellow TFO who was stopping the vehicle, then a spectator who decided standing next to a rogue cop was a good idea, shortly after I ran around and spotted more people, resisted the urge to continue my rampage, went off duty and disconnected as I had completed my original goal, it was as simple as revenge, and I'm not going to go into further detail, or post a video.

I knew I had gone ballistic and there wasn't a 'fuck go back' button either. Several incidents today were the trigger point for my actions, some of which were bad timing, others blatant RDM.

I did my best to contribute to the community, help fix things that were flawed, suggest new things, and so on. I even thought about applying for enforcer, but the stress eventually got to me and I decided "fuck it". These are currently open bug reports, things that I've been finding because I've been searching for them, exclusively so I could help get it fixed and to improve quality of life on the server.

I have more open bug reports than most, and a huge spike in the bug reports I've made recently within the past 2-4 months. These are all bugs I imagined could be abused, one of which gave you invincibility, though was fixed before my bug report was acknowledged.

At this point I'd rather lurk on the forums, be a spectator, see the better moments on the forums than sit in the soup collecting toxic waste from a near empty barrel that is actively corroding.

I'll probably regret this later, but that's future me's problem.

Oh and enjoy this video from today, the day I Mass RDM'd.
I threw it together quickly with no audio level peaks, so I was going in blind regarding audio.

Yet again, I'll be lurking. I don't know what I'll do in the future, so I can't say I won't make an apology, again, future me's problem.

Note to staff
Deleting this thread for any minor offense you might have taken will be your mistake, and in doing so shows how little you care for individuals, I doubt I'll be posting much on the forums outside of the shoutbox, so much of the reasoning as to why I've done the things I've done will be gone, feel free to edit and censor anything you believe to break the forum rules. After all, the winners write the history, right?

To be quite honest Exnem, I'm struggling to find a single actual reason for your actions in this post. All it seems to be is you crying and bitching like a little gremlin rather than offering constructive criticism of what exactly should be changed. You're a salt-pot moaner by all accounts, and this thread reinforces one of the biggest reasons behind my resignation. Children who don't quite know how to vent their opinions, and hop on a metaphorical band-wagon to to make themselves feel better. You don't know what you want, you think you're some PH Messiah and MassRDM'ing is your big statement, but in actual fact what have you done here? People reply to your thread for a couple days, you get a few ratings, you get to feel a little bit closer to accepted. But it's all for what? I've been very vocal that the server is going down the shitter, but a big reason for that (amongst many issues with the way this whole thing is being handled) is because of testosterone-filled children like you. An epitome for carnage, hiding behind your artificial barrier of self indulgent cry-babying.
How about write a case for something meaningful, how about actually helping Senior Administration and tell them what you want rather than attempting to make a shit "point".

To say I haven't contributed anything makes me laugh quite a bit, perhaps you haven't seen the stuff I've done behind the scenes, or you're just blind in your casing of sodium. I gave a lot to this community, and saw the majority thrown back in my face by roaches such as yourself. Maybe that's the reason I didn't want to carry on with my role, maybe that's the reason I don't find it fun running this server anymore. I'm not sure exactly what I've ever done to you, because you're clearly living in grudge city. I seem to remember offering my help when you were on these very forums threatening to kill yourself, but that's skipped your memory it seems.

I'd love to be the one that says "see you in 6 months" but to be honest Exnem, I hope you reside in your closest small hole and stay there because this community deserves a higher calibre of person than yourself. I'd love to sit here and rebut all of the points in your shitty thread, and ridicule you for being an idiot and MassRDM'ing but I don't have the time and/or energy to carry on interacting with the lowest form of degradation.

I hope you find a cure for whatever affliction you've been cursed with.

Have fun, Exnem!
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