A New Senior Administrator

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Birmingham, United Kingdom

Hey everyone! Today is the day that I will cast an awesome recommendation thread announce a new future senior admin. It’s been awhile since we had a good one, yet I feel like another senior administrator is needed to help run the staff team. So I hope you can all congratulate @John Daymon on his future promotion. Daymon has been a dedicated staff member for over 3-4 years and has had a great impact on the staff team and will be a great addition to the senior administration team. I hope you can all give him a warm welcome to his future throne!

Daymon has been a credit to the staff team, always works hard and is a credit to Lewis, make them both work partners to create a better PH and have events!

(Thank Bolli for MrLewis senior announcement thread steal)

#Daymon for senior in comments
as @Mango promoted me to owner yesterday I would like to say if we need another senior admin its only to demote staff members, if daymon think he can do that without fear I would really happy to see him promoted