A word on the influx

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Under Lewis088's bed
A lot has happened the past few months to perp, i have only been back not even a month and i have seen the massive influx in players, back in 2019 there was 10 people playing on the server at once, i feel now is the best time to hold a community meeting to discuss everything, i feel it would be a great way for the newer players to get their word out as well, i know not everyone has been friendly to this new player base, i was even accused of not being the best to them to which i am partly guilty, i have not been targeting them but yes i raided and got heated in ooc with them at times, however i feel the community needs to bond more now than ever. What do you guys think?

@Efan what do you think about the community meeting idea? i think it could be very benefficial
Ethan and I were actually discussing the idea of another Community Meeting today! While this isn't set in stone, it is something we are both interested in. Ethan hosted a Community Survey recently and the topics listed there are an excellent source of feedback that we can discuss with the community.

Again, this isn't certain and no guaranteed date, but it is something we are interested in doing again soon.
I definitely agree with you! PERP has recently climbed in player numbers! There's a lot of new faces I don't recognize - which is a GREAT thing! I'm sure Ethan and the rest of the administration team have something in store for the future and we'll see soon enough. But for now, let's keep welcoming these new members here!
I would love the opportunity to discuss how the actions of some experienced players effect new players like myself and I'd love to talk about how the environment and in game culture some players are trying to force onto new players could be detrimental to maintaining this surge.
The first meeting was great. Would be great now considering the battle against toxicity and keeping the massive horde of newcomers happy. Would be happy to take notes of timestamps again and provide a summary
This will be done in a couple of weeks or a month. The reasoning behind this is we have just had the community survey and we are working on the feedback we have just received. I personally feel like the feedback we would get from the survey would be similar to what we would get within a community meeting.

This would not necessarily be negative, however, there is quite a lot of work going on behind the scenes at the moment to fix the issues raised so it would be redundant to raise issues already being dealt with.

But yes, at some point I will host one, just not very soon.
I agree, but there's a reason the Athenians used theaters instead of post offices ;) While surveys are useful they might provides insights some heavily disagree with.