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Understand what? I never targetted you, if you felt targetted I don't know why, my character hates your character and thinks he's absolutely stupid. I don't care about you in OOC, I don't hate you nor do I hate you. Have a good day, you're actually pissing me off.

Im not saying your targeting me or have targeted me. Im talking about the kid you targeted.
The fact that you give a reply like this is just making me pissed, the kid is 13 years old, give him some fucking chance to have a fun time on the server instead of being like 90% of the idiots who follow him around to just piss him off and make fun of him. Sure enough he's a squeeker and I can get annoyed by him sometimes aswell but honestly, it's just idiotic to give him random shit just because he tries to play the game.
What are you throwing your shit for? Man replies and image HE'S 13 LET HIM HAVE FUN! Honestly John, calm the fuck down
the fact that your profile picture looks like the guy is kinda crying makes your post so sad
I have em right you dont. Your interfaring in a situation u know 0 about

You both are sad as fuck, get off of the forums if ya'll can't even settle something simple, go add each other on steam and talk instead of making it public and fucking being pathetic and ruining a thread.
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