Ability to use Storage in a Job

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Main Idea: You can use storage while in a job.

Full description of the idea: You use storage, chests and trunks while in a job. You cannot remove any "illegal" items from chests or storage or trunks, unless you are a Sergeant and will be given the option to confiscate anything taken from a citizens trunk/chest.

Why should it be added?: So people in jobs don't have to buy items they forgot to take out, such as a book of law, or a phone.

  • Don't have to buy items you don't have out while in a job
  • Can put away items you don't want out while in a job
  • You can search trunks and chests without having to do /me commands
  • Staff won't have to send cops items to storage as often
  • @Fredy has to write code
  • @Fredy has to remember to not let medics take out an AS50 from their storage
  • People may abuse confiscating things, but we've set it to Sergeant so it is less likely
  • People in jobs may start placing annoying props
@Fredy has to remember to not let medics take out an AS50 from their storage

Doenst sound bad tbh, let them do it :), medic are such weak in every situation, they need some guarding tbh
Yeah we definitely need this tbh, had many struggles also as RC you can get some barricades if u forget to take them on the job (adds RP aspect) and whenever you forget your phone or you need a small item. And if you are 10-7a you can atleast rp some shit as being off duty :D, gotta eat ma burger in me decorated home
Would it be a bad idea to add small storage chests in certain workplaces? Such as in the roadcrew station. The chest could only be accessible by roadcrew workers but illegal items cannot be removed as suggested. Considering roadcrew cannot leave the roadcrew station unless on call, I think it makes sense.
Love this idea Tiny, been so many times where I’ve gone on duty and somehow missed the fact that I have 3 concrete barriers on me, also been loads of times where I forget to take out the 6 fire extinguishers from my storage and have to spend another 12k for more since I’m too lazy to just resign and go get them
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