Accessing inventory while sitting down

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Main Idea: Being able to access your inventory while sitting down.

Full description of the idea: When you sit on a chair you should be able to access your inventory (only being able to eat food).

Why should it be added?: It is really annoying that you need to stand up to see something on your inventory, or even eat. When someone opens Mcuwes and actually sells stuff or I am going on a meal break while on duty, I would like to buy food and sit on a chair slowly pressing my burgers one by one (not having to stand up, eat quickly and sit down again pretending that you ate without standing up). Same with the inventory, if I want to check my health/if I am hungry, if I have an item that I want etc.

You can finally eat while sitting down instead of standing up for a second, eat and then sit down again acting like you ate while you were sitting.
You can see if you are hungry, hurt etc. while sitting down.
You can see the items that you are carrying while sitting down (avoiding having to stand up for it).

Cons: Maybe not possible?
Considering what all this would entail and the issues as well, this is simply going into too excessive. I will not go over all the details, but I understand the thought behind it as I have thought to myself several times that it might be nice to have, it is simply impractical to do so with everything else that has to be done as well.

If I ever can find time to do this... I will. Though it is more complex than it seems and annoyingly tedious.
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