Action Request (Brice)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: travis
Your Roleplay Name: Travisha Trump
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:179938847

Player's Steam Name: Brice
Player's Roleplay Name: Patrick Bradshaw
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:97673850

Why should this player be punished?: While driving on the highway and making a turn towards the PD I was rammed into a curb by Brice when he was an officer responding with only his lights on. This caused harm to me and Mim and tiered my car. Although responding to an emergency he broke rule (3.22 Highway Driving) by not obeying all traffic laws at the intersection while responding code 3 by driving very recklessly, ramming into me and wrecking my car, and then continuing on the wrong side of the road ahead giving no care to the persons he just injured. He also broke rule (4.1 Follow the Law), (3.15 Vehicle Damage), and (2.5 Excessive negativity) by damaging my car, his own car, and driving recklessly.

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I didn’t even know how or when this happened, But surely before turning left you should have slowed down and seen the lights and heard the sirens. You did turn the corner going 70 mph which I would call pretty wreckless. It’s really not that deep.
See I was slowing down while making the turn but I couldn't as I was rammed into the barricade. If you listen closely your sirens weren't on and only got turned on after u rammed me. You were also behind me so I couldn't see your lights either. As an officer, you should be wary of road conditions and not blame others for ramming into them when you gave them no warning.

About turning at high speed, that was speeding and not being reckless, if anything. I still had full control of my vehicle and was slowing down from an 80mph zone on a highway to a 25mph zone on a street. Being rammed into a barricade doesn't help me turn nor slow down.
Bro we had a car crash. It’s not that deep
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I see your frustration but I really don't think there is a need for an action request here. Not only are you going into a big intersection at 70mph (112km/h!!!), you're also switching in between the lanes, technically even you broke the law if you look at the arrows. I'd consider your driving extremely reckless.

This incident probably would not of happened if just one of you had taken more caution, you both have fault in this. On top of this car accidents happen, and for something like this an AR is not necessary, so I'll close this here.
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