Action Request (d00m Lydus Corvinus GainAxeDK)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Th3rror!st
Your Roleplay Name: Jonnathan Smith
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148377890

Player's Steam Name: d00m Lydus Corvinus GainAxeDK
Player's Roleplay Name: Dom Eman
Player's SteamID: Steam_0:0:17414969 Steam_0:0:226391237

Why should this player be punished?: D00m assulted me with his vehicle and fleed when returned to bazaar and seeing multiple officers he hided himself in bazaar and dont comply asking to leave (want to ticket him) when few minutes passed he left the property thats where I wanted to put him in cuffs so he cant run away again and ticket him he processed to take a bat and try to kill me (failed to do so wich resoulted in his death) not even 2 seconds and Lydus & Gain decide to kos officers for no reson

Evidence Link:
Dont know why I've been tagged in this?

I killed cops at bazar once you started killng my friends shown at 3:25,
Dont know why I've been tagged in this?

I killed cops at bazar once you started killng my friends shown at 3:25,
Thats when I killed d00m as I acted in selfdefence you started shooting out of nowhere and "killing my friends" is not a valid reson becouse it was not a raid I killed only d00m when shootout at me started
I do not see where and why you started a shootout when you were not involved at this in any point.
regardless you shot and killed my freinds, if your shooting at my freind who is still alive I have every right to shoot and kill you so he can survive and we can exit, which we did.
Your Steam Name: Th3rror!st
Your Roleplay Name: Jonnathan Smith
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148377890

Player's Steam Name: d00m Lydus Corvinus GainAxeDK
Player's Roleplay Name: Dom Eman
Player's SteamID: Steam_0:0:17414969 Steam_0:0:226391237

Why should this player be punished?: D00m assulted me with his vehicle and fleed when returned to bazaar and seeing multiple officers he hided himself in bazaar and dont comply asking to leave (want to ticket him) when few minutes passed he left the property thats where I wanted to put him in cuffs so he cant run away again and ticket him he processed to take a bat and try to kill me (failed to do so wich resoulted in his death) not even 2 seconds and Lydus & Gain decide to kos officers for no reson

Evidence Link:
if u added in before where i ran u over u could see that i told u too move multiple times and u never, i then decided too leave which ended in me hitting u with my car, i then hit u with my baseball bat later in the clip as i could off got 7+ years, that is also another reason too why u ended up dying as how do other people know if there is a medic?
if u added in before where i ran u over u could see that i told u too move multiple times and u never, i then decided too leave which ended in me hitting u with my car, i then hit u with my baseball bat later in the clip as i could off got 7+ years, that is also another reason too why u ended up dying as how do other people know if there is a medic?
I can add when you told me to move 1 second after saying that you starting to run me over so you didn't gave me time to do anything

You risked your life over a ticket/low setence wich is absurd
And other people kos that are involved becouse I defenced myselfs
I spoke with lydus and he told me the only reson why he started shooting is bevouse gain started so there you have it no one knew why is he shooting at cops but still do it.

@KUSHVOS even after warning the officer to move, the escalation of the situation was unnecessary which ultimately lead to your death. We don't see the problem with Doms friends shooting the cops however. @KUSHVOS ban will be extended to 5 days. Reviewed with @A1L @Pugga
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