Action Request on Lydus Corvinus

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Reaction score
London, United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Aaron / Aaron Satomura
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lydus Corvinus / n/a
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17414969
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Destroyed my vehicle and run me over for no apparent reason, then continuing to shoot Islexic dead after I tried picking him up due to me causing him to crash. Absolutely no solid reasoning behind this.
Evidence (Demo Required):
guy in the black bmw originaly started to ram my car when im traveling on the highway causing me to crash my vehicle and injure myself badly.

later on the cops where chasing me, the guy in the bmw decides to help the cops trying to corner me off so its easier for cops to catch me and in doing so I only just make it out alive and escape for no reason.

you being shot was a consequence of helping the cops trying to catch me and also continously driving into me on the highway which left me badly injured.

conclusion; dont fuck with someone then cry when you get burnt
can you post demo when you pull up to subs in the black van and run my friend over who is just standing at the storage npc for literaly no reason, yeah thats why you got clapped
as you can see he drives into me multiple times causing me to crash and injure myself. my tesla dosent start 1st time when I got it out coz its damaged due to him ramming me and trying to help police catch me.

dident think running the guy over would kill him thought I was going slow but that was my mistake dident mean to kill him only nock him over so I could pass through the cars.

@SatoshiAaron can you explain why you proceeded to ram into him numerous times and tried to aid the police in pulling him over? As from what has been reviewed from the evidence, it appears you wanted his "insurance details"
Aint gonna fish it out my demo because I cba, just thought I'd mention it in case you were just Mass RDMing
He shot at my car earlier with a shotgun in the middle of intersection so I was chasing him to try and kill him. So yeah he had a reason to kill me but idk abt the other guy.
Yeah, there was absolutely no reason to shoot out my car and run me over which I believe was intentional. He has no hesitation at all. Really I want to get a refund for the repair

@THECRX , you claim that you didn't intend to run @SatoshiAaron over but your video suggests otherwise as you proceeded to speed up prior to going between the two cars which invalidates your claim that it was accidental.

However, @THECRX 's reasoning for hunting Islexic down was justified being as after the intersection incident, @Islexic did state he was attempting to chase him down to get revenge on him so this action was justified. Additionally as well, in regards to @SatoshiAaron 's car being shot up, it can be suggested that THECRX was trying to shoot Islexic and disabled the vehicle in order for him to prevent him from getting away.

Due to this, no punishment will be issued against @THECRX but rather instead this should be treated as a verbal warning of running @SatoshiAaron over.
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