Action Request-D3luX

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Your Steam/In-game Name: Callum Byford/The HitMan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Chris Anderson/D3luX
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25015916
Why Should This Player Be Punished: @D3luX was involved in an accident with a traffic enforcer,I gave the traffic Enforcer a ticket and gave D3luX 5k towards the damage caused,as the Officer drives off he is then heard saying "I'm going get/shot you" The Traffic Officer then gets his ticket removed by another officer, I ask him why but he argues with me instead. As i'm in the process of demoting them both D3luX then goes to the 2 officers and shoots them, This took place at the Slums Gas Station meaning the NPC inside would have seen it take place and possibly the CCTV Camera,DNA also was found on the bodies. As i'm writing in OOC, @slienT then runs me over at the same location. I feel that D3luX had no reason to shoot the traffic officer as I had dealt with the situation by paying for the damage caused and giving a ticket out to the officer for reckless driving and then demoting them both.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick:I think either 55000 or 61000
Demo Download:!0dcXmRoD
Decryption Key: !fQfzLcAXH5Z2IvcrK5aQEvb-b-Hp4doRQdVkr9SyDEo
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The speedenforcer first almost crashed my car at intersection because he was speeding, then you gave me money. I went down to get it fixed, and then he rammed it again and drove off because he were speeding and almost crashed it. Also when it happened, i had a backup nearby. They crashed into me about 3 times after you dealt with them.

Also i wasn't the one shooting you. You are only involved because you responded to the lifealerts from the officers, and got shot by my backup. So you din't suffer anything in this case. They kept trying to crash my car, and they kept driving off also to avoid the situation. So you're kinda not involved in the situation, of what happened between me and the other 2 officers. As i din't do any harm to you, my backup did as you responded to their lifealerts.

I would like to point out this
The case is kinda the same.
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The speedenforcer first almost crashed my car at intersection because he was speeding, then you gave me money. I went down to get it fixed, and then he rammed it again and drove off because he were speeding and almost crashed it. Also when it happened, i had a backup nearby. He would have costed me alot of money.

I would like to point out this
The case is kinda the same.
It is not the same. In the case with Chris, there was justification because he knew people were after him to kill him. You had no excuse to shoot dead these officers. You should have told the LT again and have them arrested. As you know Traffic officers are unarmed so not only did you risk your life for no gain what so ever (3.4) but also shot unarmed individuals who posed no direct threat to you (2.5).

Full support for this AR
I see many police officers who has trouble driving. (Not that I'm the best driver myself, but I'm still learning). There should be a driving test for the 911 jobs, or something that gives people without a drivers license an idea, how to drive on the roads.
You didnt really saw the sitaution callum,
you posted ar that shows that me killing you,
and the dna that chris killed the cops.
it doesnt really shows chris killing the cops maybe the cops crashed him in purpose.
i will -support this AR.
Let's break this AR down to sections.

As i'm in the process of demoting them both D3luX then goes to the 2 officers and shoots them, This took place at the Slums Gas Station meaning the NPC inside would have seen

You're not sure if he dealt with it or not, so there shouldn't be a punishment for this

it take place and possibly the CCTV Camera,

CCTV's are no longer part of the 3.4 Rule, meaning he could've either shot it or not, it still wouldn't affect him.

I understand you are trying to help, but as you have no evidence he killed them without a reason I will tag @D3luX and he will probably upload his demo. Don't just think he killed them without a reason when they could've just tried to kill him or run him over, you never know.

Also, I noticed this in the video:


I don't understand it,

"Wow RDM"

It's like it happened to you and exactly know what happened, if you don't then don't just guess. I know this might seem like a negative comment against you but in the future avoid messages like that to prevent from arguments.
I dealt with the situation by giving the traffic officer a ticket and paying for the damages. As the Traffic Officer leaves D3Lux then shouts i'm going to kill you. If he was hit by the same officer again why not call me? At the time there was a Dispatcher on duty looking through the CCTV cameras. I said RDM because I knew that D3lux killed the 2 officers over a small accident as their life alerts went off. As he shot them both I was in the process of demoting them both. If the Traffic Officer did ram his car why shot them both? Traffic Officer is un-armed,even though there was a Police Officer in the car as well. Due to D3luX killing the 2 cops this resulted in the deaths of Me and 2 others officers ruining our Roleplay,this was all over a small accident of which a punishment was served.
Right, I'm not quite sure about this, first off let me say @D3luX, mind to not shoot around with dumb ratings like a skid? Thank you.
Now let's get over to this AR, I've taken a look at your demo. As the "Speed Enforcers" crashed right into @D3luX, he seemed to be really pissed, which is understandable. You (@The HitMan) did an exemplary job as you been refunding @D3luX.
So what happens next, @D3luX starts to hunt those "Speed Enforcers" down for some reason, I do not get.
The LT. refunded you (@D3luX) and you decide to chase down those "Speed Enforcers" and take them down? Seems a bit harsh to me.
2.5 Excessive Negativity- Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. For example, destroying a number of valuable items in a store should only be done under certain circumstances, and more so as a last resort; specifically, reasons such as product prices, a ‘basic’ distaste towards someone within the store, grossly disproportionate methods to quell competition, etc, are not typically acceptable.
Now let's get back to that shoot-out. It was night time and the "Gas Station NPC" was able to witness the crime, as well as the "Road Crew Worker NPC" as he was able to hear the shots @D3luX fired, if he did not take out the NPCs and rather just ignored them, he would be breaking rule 6.3.
@D3luX might have handled the NPCs though, that is why I'm asking @D3luX to upload a demo, where we'll be able to see, if he did a good job, while following rules, or not.
Don't just think he killed them without a reason when they could've just tried to kill him or run him over, you never know.
They are GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. Especially traffic enforces, they don't get guns and only have batons as an offense in times of need and if they tried to beat D3lux down then they would be breaking 4.1 and 4.3 as their duties are to make sure people are not speeding and ect and they would be breaking the law also what need would there be for D3lux to kill a government employee? That's easily breaking 2.5, 3.3 and 3.4.

You didnt really saw the sitaution callum,
you posted ar that shows that me killing you,
and the dna that chris killed the cops.
it doesnt really shows chris killing the cops maybe the cops crashed him in purpose.
i will -support this AR.
He doesn't need visual evidence when he has two life alerts go off which belong to the officers which had just previously crashed into D3lux and the DNA shows that they've been clearly killed by a gun so yes it does show that he killed them. Maybe not specifically their names but to me it's pretty evident you're simply standing up for your friend.

Overall as no evidence has been provided that something otherwise had happened I will support this AR even though that mainly means jackshit, have a lovely day
In the video D3lux is basically just risking a 10 year jail sentence or his life over nothing. I simply don't see why he would kill them since the LT already paid for the car damage, and even if D3lux didn't get the 5k, it still would've been excessive.

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