Action Request (Envy)

Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your Roleplay Name: Tinky Starksy
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Player's Steam Name: Envy
Player's Roleplay Name: Justin Howes
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155837584

Why should this player be punished?: This player countered a raid with cops on scene killing multiple people and ultimately losing us the raid while we were still fighting police. My clip shows that the last cop I personally killed was about 25 seconds before I got killed but one of my teammates died to police after I died which can be seen in the logs i guess to prove the user didn't investigate enough to know there's no cops on scene before proceeding to join into the ongoing shootout.

Evidence Link:
Sorry I never got the notification .

They raided my other base and I was defending it we had regals 3 and regals 5. But ultimately when I decided to shoot I checked the entire Regals parking lot and then open fired on him.
@Envy [SLAY] sorry for the late reply, Can you provide your POV? Do you know what demo this incident would occur in? Otherwise I can find out myself.
Wait actually i dont even know if i have my POV because i jsut reset my pc and it’s been 10 days since this event occurred and it’s just now being looked at.
Wait actually i dont even know if i have my POV because i jsut reset my pc and it’s been 10 days since this event occurred and it’s just now being looked at.
You’ve been sent a demo request for next time you join the server for the corresponding demo, this demo will be reviewed on my behalf by a colleague upon receiving it as im not home.

Envy was in the clear here, As they came from inside the building after all cops who'd responded at the time were deceased.