Action Request (Jamie)

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Reaction score
Your Steam Name: Synatec
Your Roleplay Name: Raqhid Render
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71523592

Player's Steam Name: Jamie
Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Bushross
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58009824

Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 - Decided to kill me after I accidentally hit him.
Claimed I hit him intentionally even though his POV shows absolutely nothing, then shot me without any further verbal contact.

My POV clearly shows it wasn't intentional, why would I say 'my bad' and then wait for him to get up if it was intentional. This was excessive. He could've just hopped back into the car and drove off without further issues but he had to shoot me instead.

Evidence Link:

After coming from a raid from slums we was driving off, a random guy suddenly decided to go 100MPH into the back of me. Causing massive damage to my car and damaging the people inside. Smashing our car into the lightpost, If you call going 100 mph into the back of them and driving them into a wall a "mistake" you need to rethink the cars you drive. Not only did you break 3.15 for no reason we could of easily seen you as a threat and attempting to get us from and possibly kill us for raiding slums.
I would also like to add how you went from the middle of both lanes (mainly the right lane) to going into me and driving me into the wall.
You saw me at the Intersection, how could I have been at Slums?

I stopped my car and waited for you to talk to you but instead you instantly shot me. 3.15 was not broken here as it was an accident and I stopped my car.
If I did it intentionally, why would I stay? My reaction quite clearly indicates an accident aswell
3.15 wasnt broken? If you wasn't going 100MPH side swiping me this wouldn't of happened. This was all caused by you breaking 3.15 in itself. As I stated you could of easily been told through a phone call, text or even a org message. All of this I wouldn't know about. You should drive more careful .
but it was quite obvious i had nothing to do with it considering you were ragdolled for 10 seconds and i still didnt get out to shoot you...


oh! because it was an accident!
couldve easily just got in your car and drove off instead of waiting!
@Synatec Ah yes a accident is going 100mph into the back of someone swiping them out and causing huge damage then laughing over it. Stop kidding yourself. I wont be responding until you have a valid thing to say, Keep enjoying abusing your helper rank to rate posts trying to trigger someone who generally struggles with dyslexia, Enjoy.
@Jack Bushross woops forgot other people cant rate posts, i use bad spelling as the dumb rating, nothing to do with dyslexia u just making things up here, i dont discriminate

But I mean, yeah. That is exactly what the accident was to be honest. Usually a car accident causes people to spin out. I was going to ask to pay for it but you paid me some lead instead.
This'll be my last reply.

- I stopped my car, rule 3.15 was not broken. My reason to speed was to overtake but I misjudged the turn.
- I was laughing at you getting ragdolled and pulling out an AS50 which I thought was a joke at first. This can clearly be heard in the switch of tone in my voice.
- The worst damage was on my car, as you can see from the smoke.
- I was obviously not involved with any raids due to the fact I stopped and waited for your ragdoll to end, why would I do that if I had involvement with your raid.
- By killing me you'd only get more attention towards City Bridge, especially shooting an AS50 which may cause Police to find you easier, technically breaking rule 3.4 but that is a bit deep, you also left DNA on my body.
- I did everything I could to resolve the accidental crash right there and then but you had other plans.
- You gave me 0 verbal commands or a chance to explain myself.
- You could've easily driven away without further risk of getting caught by police, and don't say you'd break rule 3.15 because you know damn well rule 3.15 is only used in extreme cases.



@Jack Bushross had just come from a raid and you rammed into him at 100+MPH for no reason. Me and @Creepis said we would have similar reactions to shooting you out as it was reasonable to come to the conclusion of you were trying to avenge the raid. Jamie has no way of saying what messages you sent/received regarding the raid. If you had not rammed him this situation would be entirely avoidable.

As for the killing, I was of the opinion it was slightly excessive but still reasonable. In the time it took Jamie to stand up Synatec hadn’t made any move to further attempt to kill him so a more appropriate response would maybe to gunpoint Synatec and force him to surrender. However to kill you isn’t unjustified as you did ram an armed man escaping a raid. Was there not this context it would be 2.5 to shoot you. Next time consider less lethal options potentially.

Input from @Creepis, @A1L
After review with administration (@Me, @Collier, @Super_ , @Hayden) , we have come to the conclusion that it was not fair of Jamie to shoot Synatec at all. It's clear from Synatec's reaction that he had no intentions of killing you, both from his first initial reaction, and the fact that he just stood still while you were rag-dolled. With gmod being the game it is, it isn't easy to judge what is an accident or not when it comes to driving either.

On a side note, I don't appreciate either party's aggressiveness in this situation.

Jamie will receive a short ban.
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