Action Request (LoopY)

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Reaction score
Ohio, United States of America
Your Steam Name: Eric Jonson
Your Roleplay Name: Eric Jonson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80703450

Player's Steam Name: LoopY
Player's Roleplay Name: Don't remember off the top of my head as its rather long
Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:6796637

Why should this player be punished?: User failed to get gun out of trunk when demanded by police
[LOOC] LoopY: say please
[LOOC] LoopY: I am willing to comply as long as you have manners
[LOOC] Eric Jonson: you are required by rules to get the gun out ive already contacted staff are you trying to get banned?
[LOOC] Eric Jonson: you dont have a choice you need to comply which your failing to do
[LOOC] LoopY: I want to RP as long as manners and RP are used
You have earned $338 - $16 (5% income tax) as a pay check for being an officer of the law.
[LOOC] Eric Jonson: you are breaking rules i can't wait to watch you get banned
[LOOC] LoopY: Say please
[LOOC] LoopY: I have this recorded
[LOOC] LoopY: Use manners or no
[LOOC] RespectMyVoid: stop the crybaby stuff and get the gun
[LOOC] Eric Jonson: im recording to go ahead and record y ourself breaking rules
[LOOC] LoopY: Say please
[LOOC] LoopY: I want to comply
[LOOC] LoopY: This isn't how you treat a co-operative citizen
[LOOC] LoopY: Innocent until PROVEN guilty
You have earned $338 - $16 (5% income tax) as a pay check for being an officer of the law.
[LOOC] LoopY: Suspicion is not guilt
[LOOC] LoopY: suspicion is not guilt
Please demo request me as my recording stopped prior to this event. He shot someone then stored it into his mini as i was on scene under GP. he admitted in LOOC to refusing to get gun out unless i say please etc and continued to refuse i never did get the gun

Evidence Link:

Player will receive a 1 week ban. In future situations Eric please refrain from calling people "fucking idiot" in LOOC over an in-character dispute, even if rules have been broken. I understand that it was frustrating but don't stoop to the level.
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