Action request on clever boys

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Cool Breeze / Micky Carson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Aqua / Anakin Something, Kenty / Ingawa?, ? / Chase Williams ?/ Daniel Rodriguez
His/Her SteamID: Still looking.
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

I'm gonna walk you through the situation:
I had just bought glass co and was prepared to begin building my base. Before I could start any building my phone was ringing IRL. So instead of building the base while on the phone, I decided to stash all my stuff back in the locker. At this time I was not in any harms way. Another thing I did was to place a single chair and a note in the middle of the room. The note said, "fuck you". My intentions were to notify any possible raider that I was AFK. The sign "fuck you" was a hint that the raider was expected and I had nothing on me to give out. That way the raider does not have to wait for me to come back or spam LOOC with bullshit about me pretending. These clever guys did not take the hint.. as I was speaking on the phone and watching the screen they came in and tried to mug me. I put the phone down and typed in LOOC that I was on the phone and had nothing on me. I then ignored them. The moderator who was one of the raiders decided to pick up my chair with his powers(never got that back btw) which made me put the phone down and put on my headset. Kenty started posting logs about me putting my items in the chest locker. It was a phone and a life alert. These were the items I put there before going AFK. For some reason they wanted me to get the stuff out of the storage but after refusing they gave up on that request. I decided to follow their lead and obey their commands as I was being held on gunpoint. During this time I answer every question I was asked and did what I was told. Id likes to point out that words were exchanged back and forth as well. I was talking smack but at no point were I directly insulting towards any of them. I need to point this out in case they try to use that against me. If they had threatened me to be quiet and I'd still insult them, a bullet to the head would be legit. Anyhow they force me to parker and tried to make me open a door I did not even own. They instead crack the door and steal some poor guys drugs and insulting me in the same process. After that, I was forced to the wall, and it happened.. the most cringy thing I've ever witnessed in perp. He asks me if I believe in God. I replied Yes. He then tells me to say hi to him and shoots me in the head.

Chase Williams pulled the trigger and killed without a valid reason. Kenty used his moderator powers in a RP situation also tried to make me get things the phone from storage based on logs he supplied that was incorrect with the time-lapse. As a moderator, he should also have taken responsibility for the rule break and make sit. I know Chase was his buddy but he still stood there watching him RDM. If he cannot punish his own friends for breaking the server rules I don't expect him to follow them himself. Aquaa also who is a former moderator should have taken responsibility.

I usually don't make an action request on people. I'd rather handle it in-game. I gave Kenty the chance to apologize. He instead blamed it on his friend Chase which frustrated me even more. Been in this community since 2014 and this is the type of behavior that kills the roleplay on the server and makes it unbearable for small-timer like myself to roleplay.
Evidence (Demo Required): 03-57-49.dem?dl=0
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Firstly, you broke 3.4 by talking smack under gunpoint and I believe I did tell you to watch your mouth but the validity of that can be verified by whatever poor staff member is forced to go through the demo.

Secondly, as @Code Monkey said, Kenty is a moderator therefore you’ll have to make a staff complaint on him. You also listed my name and daniels name (not sure why????)

Aquaa also who is a former moderator should have taken responsibility.
For what? My job with being a median for autistic zoo animals has been gone for a while now; so not really sure what you’re getting at here.

You also knew that we were going to raid as you saw us pulling up which is why you went inside and stored all your shit, none of us believed that phone call shit for a minute and your chair was sent to storage so that we could search you for items because you had so coincidentally gone AFK while we were going go raid. (Crying over a chair? Expected more from you.)

I’d also like to add on that I did see Chase get taken by Kenty to a roof so I’d only assume that they talked about the situation however I wouldn’t expect an apology from Chase; you acted like a complete douchebag rather than someone who should be fearing for their life. Trying to roleplay my ass, cant even act like a normal human being under gunpoint but says people like us are killing the server. Cry me a river
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Chase was taken to the roof on my request. Dont give me that bullshit that I knew I was gonna be raided. I saw sports cars coming out from parker before entering glass co, yes. How does that indicate any real threat? Cant bullshit your way out of this one kiddo.
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Bullshit my way out of what? You can’t name a single rule I broke. Good job ignoring the rest of my response tho!
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When a staff members looks at the demo they'll see that you stalled so fucking much, why didn't you just comply and roleplay like you say you want to.
unbearable for small-timer like myself to roleplay.

Then you start to talk shit and get rude under gunpoint like why don't you actually try and roleplay it and not just stall and talk shit and then get offended when you get killed?

And you hear us all pull up and store everything you have because you care about losing your phone and life alert and then put a prop down for sale, like everyone has fucking seen that shit? Stop acting like you didn't know we weren't going to raid you
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With all due respect, Chase is the only one that did break the rule and I had brought him to apologise because he broke 2.5 by shooting you dead. I myself did not break any rules and nor did @Aquaa or @DANIEL_ and that’s why I’m not going to apologise for something I didn’t do to someone who thinks they are entitled to an apology. Thus me only bringing the person who broke a rule. @Chase

I don’t believe you made the effort to look thought logs of me and @DANIEL_ taking you off of the chair with /me’s which is an aspect of roleplay. You failed to respond to this and didn’t give us indication at first so I sent it to your storage, you didn’t bother to check when we left if it was in your storage.

You as a 2014+ player should know about RP apparently, yet you still insulted us and knew our intentions and made a ‘Fuck You’ sign as if this is ‘Roleplay’ and insulted 4 armed men with rifles. If this is your standard of proper RP then I don’t know what to say to you.

You say I used my mod powers to abuse in a way yet you said I watched him RDM in your face. How was I to know he was going to kill you? You said yourself you’re unhappy with me ‘using my mod powers’ yet you expect me to do something right at that point and revive you and completely contradict what you have just said?

The logs correlate to the build up of us coming to your base and you stored and got out the chair and register the same time you stored knowing a raid was coming, this I know is against the rules and thus I quoted this in LOOC which indicates you to take those items out of storage.

How is @Aquaa supposed to take responsibility when he didn’t know chase was going to kill you and the same goes for others and how is he able to take responsibility when you yourself can’t be responsible and follow storage rules? Of course he can back me on this.

You yourself aren’t role playing if you literally make a sign saying ‘fuck you’ to us and go AFK knowing the raid was going to take place, explain to me how that is RP and how we are killing roleplay?

Your monologue and other points are pointless such as the crack of the other door and stealing a poor persons drugs, it happens, this is how the server is like.

I spoke to chase telling him it was a clear breakage of rule 2.5 and he was ready to be taken to the sit between yourself and himself and you decided to childishly disconnect and take it to forums, which is fine but you’re a grown man. Like I said, I’m not going to apologise, I used my powers to carry roleplay on because you decided to AFK going on a phone call at 4am?
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@Aquaa I'll answer any of your questions. Like I wrote in my AR. Words were exchanged. But at no time did I directly insult you to the point where I needed to fear for my life. A sarcastic tone at most. You're right I probably won't nail you down for this one, sure. But alteast I will ones again show the server how much of a dickhead you really are.
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Yes, me and @Aquaa didn't really do much to be honest but I'll still stick up for what Chase did. Yes we didn't know he was going to kill him but the amount of shit talking he was doing under GUNPOINT and wants to roleplay? I think you should continue situations respectively and then just make an AR if you think the people broke rules and then make a refund request for whatever shit you lost
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@Cool Breeze You needed to fear for your life because of the guns, not any of your potentially idiotic, snotty, and sarcastic remarks which only made your situation go where it did.
As you will answer questions, what rule did @DANIEL_ and me break?
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Your statements are already covered in the AR. You are putting a lot of effort into the sign I made which is really pointless if you would have understood my intentions or just have fucking read my AR properly the first time. It really just shows weakness in your defense. Whether you want to blame each other or try to hide behind your moderator's status does not concern me.

Check yourself
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It shows no weakness at all, you literally just disregarded what I said and only spoke about the sign yourself?

I was prepared to have @Chase apologise to you then ban him for a month for his actions. But you left before he could even apologise.

I mean no disrespect to you at all bu you did tell me you wanted it dealt with in your report and I took the time to reflect and I could only see chase causing the problem and breaking2.5 by killing you which is unnecessary
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Quite childish of him to disconnect especially when he had him brought up to the roof. I don’t agree with chase getting a harsh punishment at all, I would have also shot him for acting sarcastic and making stupid remarks under gunpoint.
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I mean you say Chase broke rules, you got killed because of what you did. You just posted a demo of yourself breaking rules, nice
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@Cool Breeze you’re not replying with anything constructive or trying to come up with a proper solution to the matter, I am literally telling you what I’ve done and you’re playing it off with pointless responses that don’t give me any sort of useful information.
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@Cool Breeze You said you’d answer questions, scroll up and answer and stop ignoring parts of every reply that we give you.
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@Kenty I have supplied you with the information you need in the AR. There is not much more to tell really. I'm gonna stop with the pointless responses, but don't you come here and try to take the moral high ground after I gave you the chance ingame. I will dispute your actions in-game don't make me question your integrity.
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@Cool Breeze You gave me the chance in game, yes and that’s why I brought Chase, I wasn’t going to bring the rest since they didn’t break rules. I could only bring chase because I didn’t find the others to break and rules, can you name the rule @Aquaa and @DANIEL_ broke and if you can then I could deal with it but at is point I can’t seem to know any rule they broke during it.
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